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Jack's POV

Something was bugging me. For some reason I felt like I had to go be near Elsa. Or see her. Or anything like that. I just felt like I needed to be nearby. I didn't want to seem like a stalker though.

I picked up my phone and called Anna, Elsa's little sister. She picked up after a moment.

"Yellow?" she asked.

"Hey, Anna. I was wondering if Elsa was on her way," I said. Anna laughed and I wondered what was so funny.

"Yeah, we just split up on the corner of 42nd. She should be on her way," Anna said.

"Great. Thanks," I said.

"No prob. Have fun on your date!" She called.

"Wait, it's not a-" I started to protest, but Anna hung up. I shook my head and put my phone back in my pocket. I might never understand girls.

I walked out of the store and along the street. It was dark and sort of windy. I couldn't see Elsa walking anywhere. Where had she gone?

I reached the corner of 42nd and stopped. I should have passed her by now. Something was wrong. I turned around and started walking back towards the store, slower this time. I glanced into any shops or alleys I passed. The shops were all closed and the alleys were empty.

At the next alley I looked in I saw someone there lying on the ground. I hurried over. It was Elsa. She had a bag on her head, and she wasn't moving.

"Elsa!" I shouted as I knelt next to her. I pulled off the bag. She was unconscious, but at least she was breathing. She was covered with scratches and one of her legs was swollen. I gently picked her up bridal style and took her to my car. Then I drove her to the hospital as quickly as I could.

Elsa's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. Everything hurt. I was in a clean bright hospital room, lying on a bed. Jack was sitting nearby on a chair. His head drooped in his hands and it looked like he had fallen asleep. Especially since a string of drool was attached to his lower lip.  I sat up and looked at my leg.

It was in a pale blue cast. I frowned. What had happened?

"Whuzgoinon?" Jack mumbled, jolting upright.  His eyes found me.  "Huh? Elsa! You're up!"  I smiled.

"Yeah," I replied.  "And what are you doing here?"

"Waiting until you woke up. How long have you been awake?"

"Only a couple of seconds."

"I'm glad you're ok."  He smiled.

"How did I end up here?" I asked.

"I found you in an alley. I drove you to the hospital and they checked you over. They said your leg was broken and they put it in a cast. I called Anna and Rapunzel. They should be here any minute."  At that moment Anna an Rapunzel both burst into the room. Hiccup, Merida, Kristoff, and Eugene followed right after them.

"ELSA!" both Rapunzel and Anna shouted. They pounced on me and smothered me with hugs. I laughed.

"All right, don't kill me!" I gasped. They let go.

"We came as soon as Jack called!" Anna said.

"Are you alright?" Rapunzel asked at practically the same time.

"I'm fine. What's everyone else doing here?" I asked.

"We were getting ice cream with them," Anna explained.

"The doctor says Elsa will be fine," Jack explained.  "She'll just have to wear the cast and use crutches for a little while."  Rapunzel looked at Jack and suddenly gasped.

"Elsa, how are you going to perform at the NTS?" she exclaimed.

"You're performing in the NTS?" Jack asked in surprise. I looked at Jack. Then I looked at Rapunzel and Eugene and Merida and Hiccup. I made up my mind.

"Yeah, I am. And what do you think Rapunzel? I'm going to sing with crutches. Nothing is going to stop me from performing," I said.

"If you need anything, you just tell us," Hiccup offered.

"Thanks. I will," I said.

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