It Just Gets Better and Better

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Elsa's POV

I took a deep breath. I was waiting backstage at the NTS. I was supposed to perform next and I was starting to feel pretty nervous.

Anna and Rapunzel had helped me dress in a nice outfit, and I had my crutches with me. With any luck, everything would go perfectly and I would be able to sing.

"Thank you, Jennifer, for that lovely singing of Drops of Jupiter. Next we have Elsa Snow, a young lady performing from a a local school, Rose High. She will be performing a song that she wrote herself," the announcer said. The audience clapped politely and I made my way onstage. I heard everyone gasp and start to whisper when they saw my cast. I ignored them and grabbed the microphone. It was now or never.

A worker turned on the music I had given them and I waited for the intro to finish. As soon as it did, I started to sing.

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,
Not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I'm the queen," I sang. It was a song I had written myself called Let it Go. As I sang, I felt less nervous. I could see that the audience was enjoying the song too.

When I finally finished, the audience gave a standing ovation. I smiled and bowed nervously, then turned and looked at the judges. They were all writing notes on their clipboards. Now was the moment of truth. I had to at least average an eight. Finally the judges looked up.

The first one held up . . . a 10! The second one also held up a 10! And the third one held up a 9.5! That meant I scored a 9.7 overall! I did it!

"Tell me, Ms.Snow, is your school currently in the raffle to receive bands to help their musical program?" one of the judges asked me. I shook my head.

"That's why I'm doing this," I explained.  "My principal said that if I could at least score an eight, then she would put our school in the raffle."

"Well, consider your school in the raffle," another of the other judges said kindly.

"And congratulations, Ms.Snow! You have made it from Regional NTS to State NTS!" the third judge exclaimed.


I was listening closely to the announcements today.  School was almost out, and it was the day of the raffle. Now I would find out if all of my hard work payed off.

It still hadn't quiet sunk in that I had advanced to the next level in the NTS. As soon as I was able to come back to school everyone had wanted to shake my hand and help me carry my things or wanted me to sing for them.

"And students, I have a special announcement to make. Thanks to the efforts of Elsa Snow, our school has won the raffle!" Principal Rose announced over the intercom.  All of the girls in class instantly went wild. I heard a couple of them scream something about the Elementals being super hot. I glared at one girl who said that she couldn't wait to meet Jack because he was sure to fall in love with her.

"The Elementals and Glittering Black will be arriving at our school tomorrow, so I expect you all to be on your best behavior," Principal Rose warned. Oh, right. Glittering Black was coming too.

At least I had won this battle . . . for now.

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