Rafe returned his gaze to Victor and smiled. ''Well sure,'' he said, ''but these days I'm only looking for the... good stuff.''

Lana downed her glass of whiskey in one go as Rafe emphasized the word 'good'. His hand had now tightened his grip on her waist even more, leaving her pressed to his body. A painful memory flashes through her head, followed by an innate sense of comfort from his body against hers. She cursed herself for thinking about it at a time like this. Fortunately, Victor offered her a way out of Rafe's grip.

''Lana, would you mind getting me a refill?'' Victor asks, handing his empty glass to her. Lana slid out of Rafe's hands and took the glass from Victor, not missing the subtle death glare Rafe was sending Victor's way.

The woman made her way back to the bar, smiling briefly at the big man she'd talked to before. He raised his glass in response and returned to his conversation.

While putting her glasses on the bar, asking for a refill from the bartender, she looked around the room. She spotted Sam weaving through the crowd, almost professionally balancing a tray on his left hand.

She had to surpress her smirk, unsuccesfully, when he caught her eyes. He narrowed his eyes at her, but she could tell he found it funny as well.

She made his way over to him, positioning herself away from him as if she was watching the beginning auction. He pretended not to notice her as well, as not to attract unwanted attention to himself.

''Looking sharp,'' Lana joked, ''I think I prefer the suit, though.''

''Shut up,'' he replied, ''I'm looking great. Besides, aren't you supposed to be serious?''

She laughed quietly, ''I'm always serious.'' She turned around and grabbed one of the glasses on his tray. ''Dead serious,'' she said, smirking.

Lana was about to stroll away when a commotion came from Victor and Rafe. Rafe had finally dropped his act and was threathening Victor, while the entire audience was watching them. Lana's playful mood dropped as she started to angrily march towards them, reaching for the knife hidden inside her garter belt.

Sam softly grasped her wrist to prevent her from doing so. ''Don't make a scene,'' he whispered, ''Victor's got it.''

Lana clenched her jaw as she saw Rafe realize the attention he was drawing to himself. He played it off as if he was just joking, but even from afar the menacing look in his eyes was obvious.

Victor's voice reached both of Sam and Lana's earpieces as he hastily called out to Nate. There was no reply, however. Lana started to feel anxious, as the auctioneer had mounted the stage and was now starting the introduction of the auction.

''Why the hell isn't he responding?'' She muttered.

''He might still be on his way,'' Sam responded. He must've seen the worry on her face, because he added: ''Hey, he'll make it in time.''

She quickly glanced up at him, returning her expression to her usual, confident one. ''No doubt,'' she replied.

However, she let out an inaudible sigh of relief when Nathan finally answered.

''I'm going to Victor,'' she told Sam, ''you'd best get in position as well.''

He gave her a quick nod before heading off. Lana set her glass down on a random table and listened to Nate and Victor's words while walking.

''I don't have that kind of scratch,'' Victor said as Lana stood next to him.

Nate's voice crackled through Lana's earpiece: ''Sully, we're stealing it, remember?''

Victor sounded unsure, ''What if he calls my bluff?''

''He won't,'' Nate reassured him.

Victor still didn't move, though. Lana was fidgeting with one of her rings from the nerves. Sam's next words sent her over the edge: ''If we don't get this cross, I'm as good as dead.''

Lana took the auction board from Victor's hands and stuck it high up in the air. Rafe looked behind him and made eyecontact with her. She squared her jaw and returned his death glare. He slowly raised his auction board up again as the auctioneer called out incredibly high sums of money.

When the sum neared 200.000 euro, Nate's voice broke through the earpiece again. ''Guys, I'm at the switch. Ready?''

''Ready as I'll ever be,'' Sam replied, ''Victor?''

Victor turned to Lana and wanted to say something, but she held up his hand before he could start: ''Wait.''

Rafe was becoming more agitated. ''Five hundred thousand,'' he yelled, ''let's get this show on the road.''

The auctioneer was taken aback. ''Oh, okay. We have five hundred thousand euro in the room, does the lady wish to bid again?''

Lana made eyecontact with Rafe again, whose eyes we're wild, like a rabid dog almost. Lana smirked and shook her head, gesturing for Rafe to take the cross.

''Had me worried there for a minute, Cliffs,'' Rafe joked, '' thought I might have to kill you.''

''Let's screw this guy over,'' she said coldly.

Just as the auctioneer was about to sell the cross, the room was filled with pitch blackness. Victor put a hand on Lana's back and guided her back to the door of the cellar. Just as the two were about to pass through, the lights went back on.

Lana looked behind her and saw Rafe was frantically running after them. Sending him a wink, she entered the cellar with a smile.

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