Chapter 3

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After Aiden left that night the heat and lust for him left too, Alythiea sat on her couch thinking of what just happened.

"What was I thinking.." She mumbled standing up taking his glass into the kitchen. She placed his cup in the sink and leaned on the old tan counters, thinking of how he said her name that made her heart melt. The look in his eyes when he said she had a mother, the honesty in them. Like he wasn't lying, but she knew he was. She didn't have a mother. Alythiea knew, she just never had any family members or anything, or ones she didn't know of at least.

She rubbed her forehead and let out a long huff, this was all too much she kissed him the second day she met him and know he was in her house?! Alythiea couldn't process this there was something about him. She looked around he old cracked kitchen, she had to work tomorrow, might as well if she wants to at least have a roof over her head. So Alythiea walked back to her room the white walls leading to her small room had markings all over them from the earlier owners. And the dusty wood floors creaked with every step she took.

Days passed in a blur for Alythiea, the only thing that got better was the weather. The sun started to shine and the air turned warm and comfortable, blue sky's stretched past the bright sun. The grass got greener and the air had a mossy flowery tint to it. She stayed up later listing to the car pass by on the highway, the yellow light never seeming to go away in the night was summer to her. The wind running threw her hair and humid air, starlit nights in the park became her second home.

One night as she was walking back home with her iPod playing music adding to the soft rumble of the highway she felt something rub against her bare ankle. Alythiea jumped and looked down, it was a cat. A small scrawny cat with big green eyes and gray fur, its paws where white and the tip of its nose and chest where too. She pulled out an ear bud to look at the kitty:

"Hey kitty kitty," She knelt down and rubbed one of his ears, he was soft. It purred and pushed his head into her fingers, she went to pick him up and he let her. He was a light cat, and she could feel his ribs. "Oh kitten, you must be starving I can feel your ribs, poor thing." She cooed to the cat, he simply purred at looked at her with loving and big moon eyes. She walked back home with the small cat in her arms, and when Alythiea got inside are quickly got out a cardboard box and put some news paper in it so the cat could have somewhat of a litter box.

She went to bed and the cat snuggled up at her feet and slept there when she woke up for work at Best Buy. The day went on with her helping customers buying computers and cameras. One her co workers came up to her, it was the only person closest to her, her name was Lindsey. She was easily fifteen pounds overweight and had thick glasses, but her face wasn't that bad looking vibrant red curls framed big pale blue eyes that hid underneath her glasses.

"Hey, Alythiea. I was wonder if you wanted to come to this bon fire I was having?" she asked in her usual happy tone.

"Ya, uh, I just have to stop at pet smart to get some cat food and stuff.." She mumbled

Lindsey nodded and nearly skipped away, it made Alythiea somewhat happy to see she made some ones day. Lindsay always wanted to make her happy and she found it quite amusing, yet she never took advantage of it.. She smiled and went back to working. The day passed and she went to pet smart just as the sun started to go down she got "Kitten Kibble" because that was all she could afford.

Alythiea went home and fed the poor starving cat who chewed down the food in the cereal bowl she gave him. She went to her room and picked out a pair of white skinny's and a blue plaid shirt. She walked out to her car with her black ballet flats and her hair back in a ponytail, when she arrived it surprised her to see how popular Lindsey must be.

Cars flooded her drive way and when she came close to her home set back into the thick woods. Smoke rose from behind the house she could hear the commotion of people in the back. About twenty minuets later she found Lindsey talking to a rather large group of people she introduced her to most of them the others stared at her with awe.

Alythiea talked with some people but it always ended up with how beautiful she was and how her hair was so blond and yet her skin wasn't burnt from all the sun they've been getting. She simply laughed, near the end Alythiea sat down by the fire and stared into it. She hadn't seen Aiden in easily a month or two and she was wondering where he was. She stared into the flames they seemed to become brighter with every new thought of him.

*** Unknown P.O.V***

I watched her stare into the flames.

Like she's done it a million times before. Yet I thought that maybe she didn't know what she was doing, that maybe she was normal. It wasn't until I saw the tips of the fire began to still, and then flicker furiously almost sending them into shapes and faint outlines. It was something only the people of The Invisible Tribe would know how to do yet not even half of them knew how too. And yet, it took years of practice and now this human. Knows how to? The heat began to rise from the fire and her fixed stare only became more intense. Her hair began to slightly float from the heat the fire was omitting. She needed to stop.

"Hey!" I yelled to her, her watch broke from the flame and it went completely still. Didn't move at all, how she was doing this it even confused me. Me! Of all people! Her eyes, looked so different from a humans. More demonic, more like the Demons of the Under World. She kept her eyes from the fire for to long I saw her snap back to reality. Her eyes suddenly softer less intense her muscles relaxed.

I watched her go limp, stunned.


***Alythiea's P.O.V***

Suddenly someone called her name. She tore her eyes from the fire leaving the image of Aiden with it, the one who must of called her names skin was bronzed and dark brown waves that fell to her shoulders. Her face looked familiar. Alythiea could feel the fire beside her go still. But suddenly she was unable to move, to breathe. Everything went black.

She woke up, most likely in a hospital because bright lights where over her and the sound of Lindsay's voice was above her. Frantic, but yet still calm

"No I don't know what happened, all I know is that she pasted out and wasn't breathing." Her voice was stressed

"Okay thank you," a soft voice said "You can wait out in the lobby for now." She heard the door open then close. "Oh, Alythiea are you waking up?"

She groaned opening her eyes "Where am i?"

"Well you passed out and weren't breathing properly, but now your completely fine." The doctor replied confused. "You can leave but if you have any breathing problems you have to call straight away." Hours later after talking and singing forms Lindsay dropped her off at home apologizing for what happened Alythiea just laughed and said it wasn't her fault.

When she walked into the door she was greeted my a furry head to her ankles. Best buy let her have a few days off for the indecent, when she went back to work a week later when her shift was all most over it was one in the morning. She got a call on her walky-talky "Alythiea to computers there is a costumer needing service,"

"Okay," She replied. She walk to the computers and found the only costumer waiting in the isle. He was extremely pale, his carmel hair fell straight over his forehead almost covering his light muddy brown eyes with thick black lashes. The whole Hollywood craze about Vampires made a funny little thought in the back of her mind. What if he was a vampire? He smiled, and she giggled. He had an amazingly stunning smile.

***Aiden's P.O.V***

"You need to tell me where she is right now." Marcuse's grip tightened around Aiden's neck making him cough

"I haven't seen her in over a month." He struggled to keep a grip on his consciousness. He could taste blood in his mouth his lip was bleeding from where he was hit. He couldn't fight back either. "I stopped seeing her, for my own personal reasons." He gasped

"You touched her didn't you?" Marcuse's voice became thick with rage and disgust Aiden could look in his eyes. He couldn't say anything, he knew firsthand what would happen if you lied to a fallen angel.

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