Chapter 4

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Aiden dropped to the ground in a bloody heap.  Coughing  he spat out blood from his torn lip. Sweet moon, he thought. The cold ground helped with some of the itching burning feeling he got from and the bleeding cuts on his arms. He rolled to his back moaning. He could hear the heavy footsteps of Marcuse trudge away.  

The cool air of the summer night wiped around him carrying sents from the restaurant down the street to him. He licked his swollen lips in hunger for the delicious smelling food. Everything around him was slipping in and out of focus, his world was spinning. Aiden tryed his best to sit up against the brick wall behind him, black spots covered his vision and a horrible gut wrenching feeling took over. 

Once his sore back was against the wall he turned his head to the street. A red car flew by, if i go walking down the street im bound to draw attention. He laughed at his own stupidity that he actuly consider for a second no one would notices if he walked down the block to  corner and called to get picked up.

He cradled his aching arm to his chest and sucked his bottom lip. Tasting iron he spat the blood from his mouth. 

"You look like shit, what happened?" a familiar voice said.  He dropped his head.

He looked up through his dirty hair and recognized the girl. And gave a haunted smile filled with pain.

 *** Alythieas P.O.V***

When she walked up something in her mind screamed run. 

"Alythiea,"  he said. His round lips curling upward in a rather devilish way.  "its been a very, very, long time."

"Oh im sorry if i made you wait," Her hand raised to her chest in apology. She thought about it, she wasnt doing anything she came over quite quickly...  Grate, a difficult costumer. She thought.

He took the hand she raised, "You musnt be sorry," He brushed his lips against her knuckles "I am sorry for taking so long to find you." He murmured. 

Disturbed by his boldness she snatched her hand away. "Uhm, are you looking for anything in piticular?" She asked

He was staring at the necklace she wore, the silver chain and the rock that dangled from it.  "Where did you get that," he said reaching for it. She steped away. 

"How do you know my name." She began to feel nervous, a dejavu passed over her, how do i know him. He looked so familiar.  

He looked down as if ashamed she backed away, but what surprised her was he began to laugh. He looked up to her, and something about him just seemed off. It frightened her so much, all she wanted to was run. HIs tan eyes seemed to darken, when he smiled she got a glimpse of  canniness. But when she blinked it was all gone, he looked normal. But the feeling was still there. 

When he noticed how startled Alythiea looked he titled his head and asked, "Did you see me?" his voice was icy. He began to walk past her and right before he left he stopped right in front of he and whispered in her ear.  

"im not looking for anything ive already found it, im just the messenger." She looked up to him, a questioning look, above all. Confused. "Hide." He whispered. And with that he walked away. 

She was rather confused, annoyed and irritated. She let out a shakey breath, Alythiea got a horrible vibe from who ever he was. 

After she left work her mind refused to let her drive home, until  that horrible feeling was gone. Alythiea began to relax.  so as she drove around aimlessly she couldn't help but notice... the moon was gone. On what was supposed to be a full moon, she couldn't find it anywhere. She brushed it off and finally deiced to go home. When she pulled into her drive way and parked the car and took her hands from the steering wheel her hands were sore. She stared at her palms and noticed they were sweaty as can be, and the feeling of fear slowly crept its way back into her gut. 

All she wanted to do was run away as fast as she could from her house screaming. But standing outside in the dark at three thirty in the morning was even worse. So as she flung the door open and runshed to the light out of complete fear, in the kitchen something crashed to the floor, she let out a scream and backed up. When she turned on the light  a few plates where on the floor and the small kitten was looking down at them absently. 

She let out a relieved and rather loud laugh. "You scared the hell outta me cat," she laughed It looked up to her as if noticing her for the first time and meowed, obviously the kitten was hungry.

Alythiea fed the cat, and went to bed, she was exhausted.  She found her self having a god awful realistic dream. So real it was almost to frighting to remember in the morning. 


Some one in the distance screamed. Her head snapped up from the creek in the woods she was so intrested in. Scanning the trees she saw what the Being was screaming about. Kala was coming. Shadows surrounding her and radiating such hatred and evil. i cant be caught, she thought. 

"You cant be caught, run!" a boy that reminded her of Aiden yelled with complete terror in his voice. 

Her legs jumped up and pushed her forward, running through the trees she zig zaged avoiding Kalas eyes. she knew if he saw her he could catch up with in a matter of seconds. She could feel his darkness on her heels. Shouts of anguish and terror erupted from the tribe behind her. She knew she would kill them all to find her.

Alythiea stopped dead in her tracks from running. She couldn't let them die. Not like this, not becuse of her. Her stomach twisted when she turned around and saw Kala standing right behind her.  

Her raven hair turning into black flames suronding her pale face. Her eyes, souless black pits, her bloodied lips that curled into a spiteful insane grin that revealed horrible canniness. Like a shark.  Alythiea was frozen with fear, she never felt some much hatred coming from one person. 

"I have finally found you." Kala said, her voice was the sound of a thousand dying souls. Burning in the depths of her dreaded kingdom.  

Alythiea could feel Kalas presences  inside of her mind, not ablating her to move, to be frozen. Kala wrapped  her hands around Alythieas throat bringing her face to face with the demon her self. "You have no idea how long ive waited for this princesse."


Alythiea shot up stunned from the reality of her dream. She reached to her neck and was shocked to find, that it was raw. 


     Hopfuly you guys still read my story, there will be more and it will come MUCH MORE quicker now these days!!~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2011 ⏰

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