Chapter 25- This Heart Is Yours

Start from the beginning

"Are you ready?" Kell doesn't give me the chance to answer before i'm thrown into the water head first. I swim back up and gasp for air, only for arms to wrap around my waist. I turn around and glare at Kellin.

"What the hell was that for?" I can't stay mad at him, but I still don't understand why he did that.

"You needed to get wet and join me in here." Kellin presses his lips to my neck, obviously trying to keep me in here. I go to push his away, but he sucks on my sweetspot, making me moan in pleasure.

"Damnit Kell." I hug him closer to me, the need to be with him and only him becomes stronger.

Kellin is going to be the death of me.


"I want to go see a movie before we leave!" Kellin says which honestly surprises me. Normally he just wants to hang out at home.

"Are you okay?" I ask in confusion.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I just shrug, going back to finishing up my makeup.

"Wait, what movie would you want to even see?"

"Well, I remember you saying that you abolsutely love The Fault In Our Stars and I was thinking of taking you to see it. Do you want to go?" He smirks at me when I get up, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yes! Let's go!"

Twenty minutes later, we are sat in the move theater, my feet up againt the raining in front of me, sipping my soda. My head is leaning against Kellin's shoulder as the previews roll. I am so excited to see this move.

Hazel's eyes pop up on the screen, and I smack Kellin's arm repeatedly, excited as hell.

Once the movie is over, I am full on balling, still leaning my head against Kellin's shoulder. "That was such a beautiful movie. Oh my God." Kellin groans before standing up, taking me with him.

"Well it was good. Our flight leaves here in about two hours so we should get home and get Tay." I just nod, still trying to get over the movie. Can't there be an alternate ending that isn't as sad?

After picking up Tay, we make it to the airport and are now boarding the plane after checking in and going through security.


"It's good to be home." I flop down onto the couch, Kellin soon following my actions.

"I'm tired, so I will see you guys in the morning. Night." Tay walks up the stairs, disappearing into her room.

"What do you want to do?" Kellin asks before smirking at me. "We could pull a prank on Tay while she's sleeping?" I give him a grin.

"Or we could stay here for a little bit longer." I slide onto his legs and put my hands on each side of his head, leaning in and pressing my lips to his. I feel him nod into the kiss. Pulling onto his dark locks, he licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I decide to tease him a little and bite his lip instead, turning the kiss into a full on makeout session. I pull away just as he starts kissing my jawline, getting up and smirking at him. "We should pull that prank now."

"You're such a damn tease." I flip him off before heading into the kitchen, Kell following close behind. "What are we going to do?" I simply open the refrigerator, pulling out a can of whip cream, and show it to him.

"I am going to go find a feather, be right back." I walk up the stares, but Kellin still follows me.

"I want to see this too." He gives me a small smile. I head into my room and pull out the hawk feather I found at the beach earlier today and drag Kell to Tay's room. I open the door to see her asleep. Perfect.

Her hand is facing palm up, which gives us the opportunity to pull the prank perfectly. I quietly spray the sticky white cream onto her hand, and then lightly hit her head with the feather, making her hit her head with her left hand, getting the cream all over her face.

I burst out laughing when she shoots out of bed, looking around confusedly before realizing what I did. "What the hell?" Kell and I hold in our laughter before running out of the room when her facial expression changes to angry. "I fucking hate you Marie!" Oh shit, my full name.

Instead of her following us, she runs into the bathroom, probably washing her face. Kell and I quickly make our way into my room, shutting and locking the door. "We're dead." Kellin hasn't know us all that long, but he knows enough to know that when Tay is mad, you stay out of her way. Especially when the person or thing she's mad at is you.

Kellin makes himself comfortable by stripping to his boxers as I head into the bathroom to change. When I come out he is laying on the bed under the covers, scrolling on his phone. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and get under the covers with him. Once he notices my presence, he sets his phone on the bedside table and turns to look at me.

"You're so beautiful." I blush at the comment, pulling on a few loose strands of hair.

"I'm not." I shake my head, trying to get comfortable but he pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Yes you are. You are so beautiful. I'm so lucky to be with such a beautiful person." I kiss him on the lips, and rest my head on his chest. Just when I am about to fall asleep, he whispers something that surprises me completely. "I love you."

Wait, what?

My eyes grow wide as I look up at him.



this chapter sucked, i'm sorry. next one will get very exciting though.

if you haven't seen The Fault In Our Stars yet, i suggest you go see it. just make sure to bring tissues!

peace out xx -Saisha

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