The old Nat can't come to the phone right now...

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Natasha was sitting on the edge of the large balcony of King T'Challa's estate overlooking the gardens below the building as the sun finished setting on the horizon. Her newly blonde hair waved slightly in the light breeze that danced through the night air, a comforting cool in the hot Wakandan climate, as she sat cross legged on the flat surface of the wall surrounding the high balcony. She wore a simple hoodie, stolen from Steve's collection long ago, and black yoga pants as she leaned forward slightly admiring the string of lights along the pathway several feet beneath her.

Clasping her hands together, she pushed them out in front of her a slow stretch, sighing softly through her nose as she enjoyed the peace and quiet in what felt like forever now the battle was over. A solitary moment to clear her mind and shut the world out, just staring out into the distance and stretching out some of the aches and pains from weeks of stress and fighting. The faintest shift in the wind caused her to turn her head, sensing a presence by the balcony entrance and she turned her head to observe her visiter.

Bucky was slowly approaching her, a faint crooked grin on his lips as he made his way towards her. She turned her body slightly to face his, stretching out her back as she silently watched him come to her and smiled at him in greeting. He stood beside her looking out at the view she had just been admiring, his eyes full and heavy. The poor guy hadn't had a break since he got here, and had helped them all fight whatever Thanos had thrown at them.  She had the urge to reach out and stroke his cheek, feel the rough stubble against her fingertips and tell him to get some sleep, but she didn't.

They both expected the whole reunion to be uncomfortable, being former lovers it was only natural to assume a meeting after several years would be awkward, not to mention since some of those years apart were spent firing kill shots at one another with a few near critical hits. But there wasn't any time for that, there was work to do. They had become peers naturally and it was surprisingly easy to shut the past out and work together, at least for Natasha who had years of practice forgetting her past and focusing on the present. The silences seemed comfortable between them and they got along well both on and off the battle field. Still, there was the odd moment of affection between them, a fluttering in their stomachs that neither were acting on.

"How long have you been watching me for?" She asked, turning her attention back out to the view as her lips quirked into a smile.

"Not long enough for it to be creepy," he replied confidently and she let out a small laugh.

"I think that's for me to judge," she teased stretching her arms above her head with her fingers clasped together. He watched her body extending in the stretch, before relaxing as her hands returned to rest on her knees.  He leaned his elbows on the balcony, arms folded over one another as he looked out at the view.

"Hasn't life had enough risk lately without you  doing yoga poses 50ft off the ground?"

"Got to keep things interesting," she shrugged, dangling her legs over the edge, noticing the slightly tension in his jaw and chest as he straightened up, his body shifting closer to her. "Are you scared I'll fall, Barnes?" She smirked.

"I'm not really a fan of heights, so you're making me uncomfortable..." he frowned still looking over the edge.

"Excellent" she smirked playfully, leaning forward more, keeping a secure grip of herself on the ledge until her grabbed her arm firmly.

"Right Nat," he said firmly and pulled her gently back, not currently amused by her twisted humour.

She smirked, done with her little game and turned to get down off the wall. He thought about offering his hand to help her down, but she had gracefully leaped down before he could.  She stood beside him mimicking his stance leaning on her elbows as together they looked out upon the view, both in silence for a long moment. 

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