October (Frank - Chinese food delivery guy)

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Frank- Chinese food delivery guy

These orders can’t be right. They’re exactly the same items for two different people in two different dorm rooms in the same building. We have to stop letting Lin answer the phone, she can never keep these things straight. She definitely can’t be in charge on Sunday nights anymore, that’s for sure.

I call both rooms anyway. Maybe the one whose order is wrong will take it, or at least they’ll know I’m here and they weren’t ignored. I hate having to turn around and go back to the restaurant, but I suppose it’s all part of the job.

I wait for what seems like a million years, hanging out in the lobby, trying not to look like I’m casing the joint. My phone is blowing up. Seems like everyone wants to go out tonight for some reason, but I have lab at 9 am and there’s no way I’m messing with that. I have an A in that class and I don’t want to lose it.

Finally both elevators slide open and a girl emerges from one, and a guy from the other.

“Delivery?” I say, holding up the bags.

They both walk over, glancing at each other.

“Is it possible you guys ordered the same thing?”

“Sesame noodles with chicken and a side of fried dumplings?” the girl says looking from me to the kid.

“Yeah,” the kid says, so quietly that it’s like barely a word and more of an exhale.

“Seriously?” I ask.

He nods and she smiles.

“And you’re not together?” I ask, confused. “This has never happened before. It might not seem like a big deal, but I’ve been delivering for my family’s restaurant for six years and it’s literally never happened before.”

“No,” the girl says. Guess she’s the spokesperson tonight. “Not together. But glad we could break some kind of statistical record for you.”

“Cool. Cause I was gonna say you could have ordered the bigger size of dumplings for less money and more dumplings.”

They both smile at that. “More dumplings are never a bad thing,” the girl says.

I hand them their orders and they pay, both of them pretty decent tippers. As I walk out, I look over my shoulder and they’re staring at each other while they wait for the elevator.

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