September (Bob - a bus driver)

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Bob- a bus driver

I have hundreds of kids getting on and off this bus every day. Some kids are real sweethearts and some kids are complete jerks and some kids are neutral. Some are loud in a good way, some in a bad way. There are always a couple that stand out. Sometimes it’s because they’re just noticeable looks-wise, or sometimes it’s a simple case of logistics, like they always get off at a weird stop. My wife Margie loves to hear about all of them.

Lately I’ve been telling her lots of stories about these two kids, a boy and a girl. There’s something different about them.

I noticed the boy because he grips the standing bar awkwardly. It’s a funny thing how you can be an expert on gripping the standing bar and this kid is doing it all wrong. He’s awkward and it kind of looks like it hurts. I want to give him in a lesson in making it less painful.

And then a couple days ago, I realized that he does it so he can sort of hinge into her personal space every once in a while, because I see him do it even when the bus is pretty empty. But he doesn’t want to ever get close enough to her to sit near her, it’s like he’s happy to lurk.

The girl is a different story. I always notice the readers on the bus. I can’t read when a bus or car is moving. I get motion sick.

But she’s always reading. And he’s always holding on like it hurts his arm. And I’m sitting up here thinking about them.

I make the next stop and they get off together, though they don’t talk at all to each other. Both of them thank me, and they’re the rare kind. Makes me happy, makes me think that maybe they should talk to each other, but I suppose I don’t have any control over those things.

I watch them walk until they part ways, her going towards the cluster of dorms, him veering off towards the student center. Then one of them little devils in the back calls out “Are we going already?”

Some of these kids are just dicks.

A Little Something Differentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें