Imagine being Frodo's friend.

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A/N : This has some of the book in it just saying.

Frodo was sitting in his study alone looking over some books. It had been several years since Bilbo had left the shire and Gandalf after him on some bisnuse. Frodo some times wished he had gone with Bilbo but then would shake his head knowing it was for the better he had stayed. A knocking at his door made him jump slightly. Walking into the door he peeked threw the window to see who it was. His eyes met with a mass of (Y/C/H )curls and  excited (Y/C/E) eyes. Frodo smiled as he opened his door. '' Good morning (Y/N)!'' He said happily. it was nice getting a visit from her she was always smiling and making jokes. '' Good morning Frodo!'' (Y/N)  replied. Frodo stepped aside so that (Y/N) could come in. When she did he shut the door behind him. '' Tea?'' He asked looking back at her as he walked to the kitchen. '' Yes please!'' She said cheerfully. Frodo  put the kettle on the fire white getting some scones , cream and jam. (Y/N) skipped in smiling. '' How have you been these past days Frodo?'' She asked smiling. Frodo smiled back. He had told her how he missed Bilbo and was wondering when he would ever get word back from Gandalf, and she had sat there and listened to him and then after words comforted him. (Y/N) was not like other Hobbits, well she still had the appetite of one but she didn't gossip or like gossiping. '' Better thank you (Y/N).'' He said making the young Hobbit lass smile widen. '' Great!'' She said sitting down as the kettle began to sing. As Frodo was pouring the hot water into the kettle (Y/N) suddenly blurted out. ''  Careful with that, it looks as hot as Smaugs fire.'' Frodo chuckled as he put the kettle down and handed (Y/N) a tea cup. '' Frodo could you tell me about the quest to the lonely mountain one more time?'' (Y/N) said  her eyes sparkling. When ever Bilbo used to tell his stories she was always there along with Sam. Frodo nodded his head smiling. -Time Skip- After a lovely day of tea and a few stories (Y/N) said she had better head home before  dinner. Frodo nodded as they both headed to the door. When she was out side she quickly hugged Frodo and smiled. '' Thank you for the tea and story.'' Frodo nodded and smiled. '' See you tomorrow then?'' He said only to have her nod while grinning. And with one more hug (Y/N) skipped down to the gate shutting it behind her and then making her way home. Frodo watched before closing his door while smiling.

A/N : Hope you enjoyed this  little Imagine. :)

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