"Hello Miss Kaiba. Here's the thing you wanted me to hold for you," he said as he gave her a package.

"Thanks!" she yelled as she grabbed it and ran to the elevator. She got into the elevator and pressed the button to take her to the duel testing floor.

Once she reached the floor she needed to be at, she saw her elder brother.

"Big brother! I have something for you!"

"What is it, Lilly?" asked Seto as he turned to look at his sister.

"Open it up and see!" she said as she gave him a neatly wrapped package. He took it from her and opened it up and saw a white coat that had black sleeves and chains and things. With KC on it.

"Thanks," he said with a slight smile. He then gave her three small packages. "Give this to James, Lance, and there is one for you, too."

"You're welcome! And okay!" she said as she got on the elevator again and went up a floor to where her younger brothers were waiting at. She opened the package to see three necklaces like Mokuba's and Seto's. She gave one to each boy and kept one for herself. In all of them was a picture of the five of them together.

"All hands, standby for the final test of the new Duel Disk System," announced a man on the speaker.

"As you requested, Mr. Kaiba, we've removed all safeguards from the computer," said one of the scientists.

"You're crazy if you go through with this, Seto," said Mokuba in fear.

"If the safeguards are turned off, the monsters in this duel could really hurt you!" said Lance in fear.

"Lilly, talk sense into him," said James as he looked at his sister. Lilly just shook her head; she knew there way no way she could do such a thing. Once Seto has an idea in his head, he sticks to it.

"Enough whining," said Seto as he got ready. "Let's go!"

"The Duel Disk is online," said a man as he messed with the controls. "Engaging Duel Robot."

"We've updated the Duel Robots hard drive with your latest tournament rules," said the head scientist.

"I'm setting skill level at max. We're ready to begin on your command."

"Seto, are you sure you want to do this?" asked Lilly in worry.

"Keep the medics on standby. Probability of injury – 90%," said the head scientist.

"Listen! Why don't you keep your calculations to yourself!" said Mokuba in anger and fear.

"Mokuba!" called out Lilly in a scolding tone.

"I'm just doing my job. Since the robot is armed with the exact same deck Mr. Kaiba used at Duelist Kingdom, risk of injury is high."

"You put your Blue-Eyes White Dragons in there?" asked Lilly in shock as she turned to look at Seto.

"Right. Those were Mr. Kaiba's direct orders."

"Let's go!" said Seto, get inpatient.

"Switching on the main computer's auto-duel system," said the man.

"Check," said the head scientist.

"Duel Robot standing by."


"Good luck!" said Lance, trying to be hopeful.

"Launching hologram projectors!" said the man as disk shot out of Seto's duel disk and landed on the floor.

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