"Good Morning people!!," Aarav arrived with the doctor in tow.

Keya greeted the doctor who asked everyone to leave expect one person. Keya told Varun to stay and all of them went to the lounge.

Aarav and Aanya were in a conversation with Simran. Seeing Aarav and Simran, her cupid mind wanted to set Simran and him up since she definitely needed a break. But before that she had to confirm what was exactly brewing up between Tanya and him. Krish and Tanya were in their own talks. Keya was busy with her calls. She was working even on a Sunday. Krish had now changed into a nice t-shirt which Keya had grabbed on the way out from Vivan's room.

Soon enough, the parents had joined in. Everyone met Simran and she was very much welcomed by each one of them. Mr. Shukla and Krish's Dad were to wait with Vivan today as many reputed names would be coming in to meet him, it being a Sunday.

Krish's mom announced, " Since we all are here today, let's have lunch together. I think we should make everyone's favorite."

Everyone nodded or groaned in pleasure.

"Green chicken for me then," Vivan said as he was brought in by Varun on a wheelchair. The doctor followed.

"You are out of the room!," an excited Keya went to him.

"Yes!," Varun replied, "He is. And the doctor says he can have food too."

"I must say that Vivan has recovered quite quicker than expected. I'll have a physiotherapist sent tomorrow who will help him get up and running! As for the chicken, it might have to wait a little longer," said the doctor.

Mr. Shukla saw the doctor out and Vivan and Varun met all the elders.

"Your mom has told me a lot about you. Are you well settled in?," Krish's Mom asked Varun.

"Mom told me about you people too. And yes I'm absolutely settled in here. Thank you for the Breakfast.  It was lovely," Varun replied.

"Oh.. My pleasure sweety. You come to me if ever you need anything okay?," she told him.


Keya brought the bangles and showed it to Gauri,  "Mom look.. Reema Aunty sent these for me."

Gauri recognized the bangles immediately and smiled.

An hour later, the ladies had taken to the kitchen and the Dads were out playing miniature golf. 

Keya was constantly talking on the phone.

"Make me a strong drink!!," she told Aarav as she sat on the chair next to Vivan. He was just staring at her with admiration. Keya closed her eyes tightly and opened them and looked at Vivan smiling at her.

"You! You! Because of You!! Was it really necessary to promote me! You know how hectic it is!," she said to him.

"I can see! But it’s nothing you can't handle sweety," he told her.

Varun who was with Simran joined them and spoke, "Keya we think you must go home now. I am here now. My brother has his brother so he doesn't need his girlfriend anymore. Yeah?"

The grim look with which Varun was speaking soon turned into laughter as he saw Keya hang her mouth open.

Vivan too laughed and said,  "He is joking babe! It's not that I don't need you anymore but you need rest. And more importantly Krish needs you too. Go home. Take some rest and am sure Krish will take good care of you too. I know you must be having a lot of pressure at work. The last thing you need is to worry about me. Am all good now.."

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