He's a Peach

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Inspired by Peach Scone by Hobo Johnson.
Rose has Lukas, but Phillip thinks about him a lot.


Phillip's POV

"Hey!" I heard Lukas exclaim upon hearing my knock.

"Hi." I answered a bit surprised.

Even though we are very close best friends, he had been distant lately. Mostly because he's been taking Rose on more and more dates and walks than usual. To make up for it he invited  me to spend the night while his dad was in Poughkeepsie. Lukas didn't like being alone.  Maybe that's the reason he just doesn't realize he is spending too much time with her.

He doesn't realize a lot of things.

Like how well I understand him, or how tight I hold on to him when we're on his bike. He thinks it's because I'm scared, but as my eyes linger down to his arms I let myself think he knows the real reason. Sometimes I even let myself think he'd hold me just as tight. 

A calloused hand waving in front of my face is what snaps me out of my daze.

"Hey Spaz, ya coming in?" he chuckles.

"No, I'm gonna stand out here and freeze my ass off." I said, trying to brush away the thought of Lukas and I driving away from here.

"You say that sarcastically, but that's exactly what you're doing."Lukas chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning his head on the door frame.

"I say everything sarcastically. Isn't that what moody teenagers do?" I smirked at him.

"Maybe so, but that's exactly what old men say." He laughed, making the light that always aluminates from him blindingly brighter.

"Get in here. I set everything up" With that he turned bad into his house.

"Sure." I deadpanned, only because i thought he wouldn't be able to hear me and not because i was back in my fantasy.


After watching some movies, we decided to hangout upstairs and play but not actuality listen to some music.

Nothing but laughter and good memories made until he had brought something up that was funny to me.

"I needed this. Me and you."

He had turned his head and for a moment the foot of space between us seemed like nothing.

I could feel my face getting warm so I focused all of my attention on the box of cookies sitting in between us where Lukas had laid his hand. Palm down.

"Why? You don't have enough fun with Rose?" I joked. It was out before I knew it.

This is when I wanted to be anywhere else, so I started thinking about the pumpkin cookies which are basically squash cookies. I moved the box to my side a bit more. While i was reaching i saw a very subtle twich in Lukas hand, but maybe that was just in my head.

How are you going to make a cookie out of a squash? And zucchini cookies? Why?

"She had said some stuff. About my friends. About you." He became serious.

I immediately snapped out of my small, significant dilemma.

"What was she saying?" I asked, curiously.

"I, I shouldn't tell you. It was kinda mean." He started fidgeting slightly, but stopped when i turned my head. Regaining eye contact.

"Lukas. Just tell me."

"She doesn't want me having female friends. Which I'm fine with, but then she said that you make her uncomfortable."

I could tell he was getting upset, but I still tried coaxing more information out of him.

"Oh, really?" I asked like I didn't care.

"Yeah. She says it's the way you stare off into space looking at me. She said that I should spend less time with you." Lukas explained.

"And that's what you did so why are you upset?" I asked getting more and more annoyed with each breath I take.

"Yeah, but then I realized why I let you stare at me." he smirked.

"I don't stare at you, you conceited bastard. It's called spacing out. Some people have ADD ya know." I raised my voice.

"Oh. Well for whatever it's worth, I stare at you."

"Weirdo, no you don't." I chuckled.

"That's what I've been doing since you started blushing like a little girl every time i smile at you or touch you."

I raised my head to say something along the lines of "fuck off" but noticed he had moved closer. I can feel my face soften, my cheeks feeling almost numb.

"I stare at you when you're too deep in thought to notice. I think that's what makes Rose so uncomfortable."

Lukas turned on his side, now completely facing me.

"It's not the way you look at me, it's the way I look at you. She knew when I didn't, but now I do." he said lowly.

"Can you stop speaking in riddles and just get the point? I'm dying of suspense " I mummered, matching his tone.

"My point is that I like you, and I didn't know that until Rose told me."

"Like that?" I asked so quietly I'll be surprised if he heard me.

"Yeah," he placed his hand onto my cheek. "Like this."

I took that as the okay to lean in the rest of the half inch and kiss him. It was everything I  knew it would be.

Him stroking my cheek and the feeling of his eyelashes on my skin.

I felt something warm and wet flick against my lips making me jolt a bit. I pulled back slightly.

"What does this mean for us?" I was a bit nervous about the possible answers.

"I don't know, but we have all night to figure it out." he said breathlessly. He caught my lips again.

I could pull back and get a better answer, but right now that was good enough for me.

⚠Important A/N⚠
I don't know how to fell about this one. Not sure if I really like it but it's been a long time since I've updated. My English professor was getting in my head about my writing skills and I didn't think I was not able to write for a while but do not worry. I'm all good now. I'm gonna write more and she can suck a dick.
All the love
~Little Love

PS you should definitely read Perfect, Right. cause I just re-read and updated it and I'm really proud of it and it's been a while since I've been this proud of one of my works. I think you'll like it.

PPS Only 749 words? Come on man.

749 words-1095 words

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