Pretty Boy

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What if Phillip met Lukas by watching him practice? Sorry I'm bad at titles.

Phillip's POV

I was walking walking home from school with one of my best friends, Rose. We were on our way to my house for a sleepover.

"Are you sure they said it was okay?" she asked worriedly.

"Yeah, not wouldn't it be?"

"You're a boy."

"A gay boy."

"I know, bu-"

She was interrupted by a loud engine starting.

"Let's check it out!" I said excitedly and quickly walked up the hill.

I saw a person on a motorcycle doing amazing flips and turns. They were amazing. The person and the tricks.

Their head looked in out direction, then they ran into a small hill. Rose and I quickly ran to his aid.

We helped them sit upright.

"Are you alright?" I asked concerned.

The mystery person revealed himself. It was LUKAS!

I know. Who cares. But this was Lukas Waldenbeck. I've had a crush on him ever since I moved here. I would totally express my feelings if Rose didn't have a crush on him too.

If he was atleat bisexual I could have a chance, but he's not so Rose can take him away while I cry myself to sleep. Well not really, but that's how I feel.

He looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah. I'm fine I just saw a pair of pretty brown eyes and lost focus."

The breath caught in my throat. Did he mean me? Before I could process anything, Rose giggled.

"Do you think so?" Bitch, I mean best friend. Wait no I meant bitch. Ether way, back up.

"I do." he said matter-of-factly.

He then looked at her and offered a friendly smile. He looked back at me.

"Well I gotta go back I'll text you later." he said while getting back on his bike.

"You don't have my number." Rose chirped. He wasn't even looking at her!


"Here." she took a pen and a Post-it note out of her bag and scribbled her name on it. She gave him the small sheet of paper.

"Um, thanks." he started the bike. "Bye." Then he was gone with my heart riding shotgun. Well backgun? I don't know or care.

Rose and I arrived at my house. After greeting Helen and Gabe, when when to my room.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed while plopping backwards onto my bed. "He loves me! I can tell! He's so fine with his blond hair and blue eyes and he's gonna text me! AHHHH!" This was killing me.

"Yeah, definitely." I said trying to sound as happy as possible.

"And all of his firends are so hot!"

"Hoe." I mumbled.


"Aren't you into Lukas though?"

"Yeah but have you seen Travis? That boy can make the sun lukewarm."

"What if someone else dated him?"

"Oh well. It's not that serious." She picked up her phone and started texting someone.

"But you said you were in love with him like... last week!"

"He took his shirt off in gym!"

"You're hopeless." I laughed and she threw a pillow at me.

I heard my phone go off. I was just going to ignore it but when I saw the contact name I had to leap at the opportunity.

Future Boyfriend💙



I wanted to say thanks again. For helping me up after I crashed.

Oh yeah. No it was no problem. Just watch where you're going next time. 😉😂

It was your fault though 😂

How exactly?

Those eyes hypnotized me!


No. Yours and the way they lit up. They are mesmerising.


You're surprised?

I didn't know you liked boys

Shall I scream my sexuality?

No it's just like
I've only seen you date girls.


So you seem straight.

Well I like you. You're cute and funny.
I think we should go out sometime.

Idk my friend might still have a thing for you. I really like you but I have to make sure it's okay Ya know

Yeah I understand. Make sure to get back at me with an answer. I'll be waiting.😘😚

"Rose, are you awake?"

"Yep." she answered sleepily.

"If I went out with Lukas would you be mad?"


"Thanks. Night"

Future Boyfriend💙:

I have her blessing.

So movies tomorrow?


Mk we'll talk more about it in the morning because sleep.

Pretty sure all livings things need sleep or some sort of regeneration

Why are you such a cute-ass smart-ass? I don't understand


Night babe sweet dreams❤💜

I'll dream of you😍

I can't wait for tomorrow.

Sorry this took forever. Love you guys so much! 💜💜💜

[I've tried to upload this March 16 so if it comes on a later day my apologies. There has been errors in my Wattpad]

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