"Yes." He took the stack and walked out. I took a deep breath in, and looked at the clock.

"WHY DID NO ONE WAKE ME UP! EDWIN!" It was already 6th hour, I can't believe I slept all day! I'm in so much trouble.

I can't just go into class half way, I don't want to go through that humiliation. I'll just skip the rest of the day and stay low tomorrow.

The penalty for skipping is detention and something to do with pain from what I heard. Along with humiliation. What is this the medieval days?

It's not like I can jut stay in my room, they know where I stay. So I decided to go outside. It was kind of chilly, and I was still really tired so I laid under a tree, curling up into a ball. I eventually fell asleep, shivering slightly.

Callum's POV:

I got to France and started to look for the school. When I got there everyone was in uniforms, and they all looked like clones, no personality, no expression. My poor baby is here?

I decided to wait a little bit to where there isn't as many students because I would stick out like a sore thumb.

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring

The bell rang and all of the students went inside. I waited until the coast was clear and opened the door, looking inside. I looked around the corner and than saw a guy that looked to be in his late 50's. I ran back outside and behind a tree.

I kept backing up until I hit into something. I looked below me and saw someone curled up into a ball.

I was going to walk away until he looked familiar. He was small, and had blonde hair falling out of the gel hold. It couldn't be could it?

I bent down and looked at his face, it was him. It was my baby! I was about to wake him up but saw that he had dark rings under his eyes. He was snoring quietly, and shivering from the cold.

I picked him up, hugging him up against me to keep him warm. I quickly walked to the car I rented, putting him in the passenger seat.

I turned the heat on and sped out of the school, going to the airport. It was about a thirty minute drive and I kept looking over at him, making sure he was OK.

"Edwin..." I looked over at him immediately. Edwin? Who's Edwin? Did he already have someone else? He got over me that quickly?

He slowly opened his eyes and started to panic. He sat straight up, looking like a scared deer in headlights.

"Baby..." He looked over at me, his eyes tearing up.

"Daddy? Is this another dream? Please say it's not... you're real right? You're real?" I smiled and nodded my head. He instantly wrapped his arms around me.

"Baby, be careful I'm driving." He let go apologising.

"B-But what about the school, what's gonna happen?"

"I saw you sleeping under a tree, and I took the chance to take you home." He smiled.

"I thought you would never come for me! I thought you forgot about me..." I shook my head.

"I would never forget about you." He sat back into his seat with a content smile. His face then changed into a face of worry.

"What is the school notices that I'm gone?! What if the police come after you?!"

"Don't worry none of that will happen, if they notice you're gone it will be fine. I got one of my friends to hack into the system, they put me as your official caretaker. I will just tell them I took you out of school for family reasons." He nodded his head, sitting back once again.

"Wait!" I chuckled

"What baby."

"What about Edwin." My face dropped at the name again, but I kept my composure.

"Who's Edwin Baby?"

"He's my friend, he taught me French and took care of me when I was in little space!" He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Do you like Edwin?" He nodded his head.

"Of course!" I instantly felt a lump in my throat.

"Like like? More than me?" He started to laugh.

"You're jelly!" He slapped his knee, laughing. "Of course I don't like like him silly! He's like fifty five!" I instantly let out a breath of relief.

"Oh...if you want when we get home we can call the school and ask to talk to him." He nodded his head, seeming much more at ease.

"Are you tired baby?" He yawned. I guess that answered my question.

"Go to sleep." He shook his head no.

"What if I go to sleep and you're not here? What if this is all just a dream..."

I pulled the car over, unbuckling my seat belt, lifting him over to my side of the car and sitting him on my lap.

"Don't worry I will never leave you, I promise." I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He didn't know what to do at first, but soon moved his lips with mine.

His hand was on my chest, gripping my shirt. My hand was on his back, holding him from falling back against the steering wheel.

I pulled back and his cheeks were red. He looked down and put his forehead on my chest.

"Believe I'm real now?" He grunted quietly.

"Are you embarrassed?" He whined, nodding his head.

"I've never kissed anyone before." I smiled and pecked him on his lips.

"Well I'm honoured." I put him back in the passenger seat, reaching over and buckling his seat belt.

"Now go to sleep baby, I'll wake you up when we get to the airport. I promise."

He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep, with a small smile on his face.

Yay I finally wrote something not depressing for once 😂

Thanks for reading!

Hush little babyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن