I have done every job on this good for nothing boat and I want off. I can play it off like I enjoy it here but anyone who really know me would know how much I can't stand being here. I begin to ever wonder if I will find my place in this world?

I was looking at the island when I think I saw some of the lost boys. They were going to attack now?

Peter's POV

"Lost boys prepare for attack. Remember this is a rescue mission but if you have to attack pirates on the way well let's just say I won't stop you." I smirked. "We are not leaving without Wendy!"

The boys all cheered. To a lost boy there is nothing better than attacking a good for nothing pirate. How dare Hook force Wendy to stay with him!

"Okay get ready 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2.."

Wendy's POV

Oh no they're going to attack now. Be cool! Be Cool! BE COOL!

Wendy just calm down take deep breathes.

"Red Handed Jill are you okay?" Smee asked. "You don't look so well let's get you inside." Smee pulled my arm and started to take me inside.

"I'm fine. Just a little seasick." I made up the excuse even though I did feel like I would be sick.

"A pirate? Seasick? Ah that's a good one mate!" Smee chuckled as he put a blanket around me and brought me a cup of tea.

I have to admit the pirates have been very kind. I just don't understand why they wouldn't get along with the lost boys.

I was going to ask and then I heard screaming outside. I immediately pulled my sword and started to make my way to the door but Smee held me back.

"Not so fast. Those lost boys are dangerous and I have direct orders to make sure you are safe. I am not letting you out there."

"Smee let go of me!" I demanded trying to push my way through him but to no avail.

"Afraid I can't do that miss." Smee continued to block me off until I thought of an idea. Smee believe it or not has a weakness for pastries. Who knew right?

"I will make you 5 bakers dozens of donuts if you let me go right now." I bargained and I raised my eyebrows and stopped struggling. Smee stopped to decide whether he would take my deal. The thought pondered his mind and that is when I made my escape.

I elbowed him straight in the stomach and his grip released and I fled the room. All I could see was fighting. The lost boys and the pirates, even some fairies.

Peter came and flew down next to me. "What are you wearing? You look like a pirate."

I looked down at my white blouse, black pants, and black leather boots. "Well I couldn't fight in that dress now could I?"

"As long as you're not one of them. Now, it's time to come home."

Peter reached out his hand and I was about to grab it until a Hook pulled me back.

"This is her home." Hook snapped.

"Let go of me!" I yelled and struggled with all my might to free myself from his grip but he was to strong.

"You have out done yourself this time Pan. First you steal my treasure, then you make my wife leave any magic realm and take away any memory of me and now you are trying to steal my daughter! When will it end? I should slit your gizzard!" Hook's face was so red he was practically a tomato. Peter is the reason I couldn't get to him? Peter made my mother come to my world.

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