▷ Chapter 2

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The devil king stepped forward, flashing another smile to the girl and said, "Meet your comrades, [Name]."



Her e/c eye squinted upon gazing at the people who stood afar from her. They stared back causing [Name]'s lips to frown. She could tell that they really were the deadly sins Lucifer had told her about because of the vibe they were putting off. But one thing came into her mind when she observed them, she wanted to test their abilities.

"Say," she uttered placing a hand on her hip.

"Hmm?" Lucifer asked.

"What now?"

"Ah, they will fill you up on that." The man gave an innocent smile. [Name] skeptically stared at him for a second before shrugging off.

Lucifer closed his eyes, and activated his telepathic ability. 'Then, I'll go now [Name]. Have fun playing with them, my dearest~' He told her once more before disappearing into thin air, a small gust of dark red dust trailing after he disappeared.

"Wait! The king--!" A girl with medium length blue hair and forest green eyes shouted.

"Well, what about him?" [Name] asked making the girl look at her.

"I.. I wanted to talk to him about certain things I've been sensing since yesterday." She replied shyly.


The corner of [Name]'s lips formed into a semi smirk. This girl had the ability to sense things from far or from near. [Name] thought that this ability was not entirely useless.

The h/c haired girl observed the bluenette's features for a while. She had a short and slender build, her height probably about 5'4" tall, with clear ivory skin.

Her curled teal blue hair was divided into two sections. The upper part was placed into a braid while the lower was neatly placed down. Just by observing the way she carries herself, [Name] concluded she was a shy girl.

"And you are?" [Name] asked.

"My name is Blaine Divya." She extended her right arm forward to the h/c haired girl. "Nice to meet you, [Last Name] [Name]."

[Name] stared at the bluenette's hand for a minute then darted her eyes to the said girl. "Likewise, Pride."

Divya tracted her arm back, understanding that [Name] didn't want to shake hands with her. "Mhmm, right."

The small girl then uttered a faint laugh and flashed a weak smile at [Name]. The fierce h/c haired girl beauty glanced at the other five standing in the said room. Most of them were tall except for Divya and a boy whose name she doesn't know yet. Then, she looked at their features one by one like she did with Pride.

The first one was a guy who had a toned body structure and stood about 5'8" in height. His straight light blonde hair had side swept bangs. His eyes were magenta in color, his skin glowing an olive tone, and he had three piercings on his left ear.

While locking eyes with [Name], he was emitting a kind hearted aura that went well with [Name]'s liking. But this guy was different from the sin he was given with. Envy.

Next to him was another girl about 5'6" tall, who was a little bit shorter than [Name]. She had straight violet hair that went a few inches below her chin, dark blue eyes, and warm beige skin. One fourth side of her hair was placed into a ponytail while the rest was down. The girl had been chewing a gum and glanced at [Name] from head to toe.

Then [Name] noticed something about this girl. She had a different body structure from Divya because [Name] could tell that this girl was working out based on her figure. She guessed this girl was much more similar just like the sin she was than Divya. Wrath.

Next to the girl stood a guy about 5'3" tall who had a small type of body. He possessed short natural red hair with side bangs, ocean blue eyes, and porcelain toned skin. [Name] saw his mark on the left side of his neck and knew immediately what sin he was. Greed.

The fifth guy who was standing next to Greed had medium length dark brown hair that was combed backward with a single strand hanging down from his face, and stood about 5'9" tall with a complexion of smooth light brown skin. His body structure was the same with Envy, but his eyes were a peculiar one. He had heterochromia, his right eye was purple while the other one was an icy blue. Gluttony.

The last guy was the tallest of them who stood about 5'11" in height. His straight white hair had titian shade on the tips of his hair, it fell right below his nose, and at the back of his hair was cut shorter than the rest. His pale gold eyes locked with [Name]'s e/c hues.

[Name] noted he was very handsome. An ikemen, in her point of view, and speculated his handsomeness could rival that of Lucifer's. But then again, Lucifer, to her was nothing more than a shitbag even if he was that handsome.

Another thing she noticed was his long eyelashes and pale skin. Though its a bit odd for guys to have long lashes... but either way, it suited him. She also saw that he had a fit body structure.

All of them looked great in [Name]'s opinion. Even if she didn't get to know them yet, she could tell they were kind people. But now, she didn't like the way they were looking at her. Some were throwing her skeptical looks, and some were glaring at her.

'My, my. I'm getting a lot of death threats in just one day. ' [Name] thought to herself then sighed loudly.

"Did Lucifer inform anyone about for today's event?" [Name] asked and they shook their heads no. A smirk played on [Name]'s lips as her one eye glowed a bright f/c.

"Then shall we play a little game of mine?"


Word count: 1076

Ayyyyy finally posted a second chap! Sorry if the chapters are a bit boring but next chap we'll have a bit of fun because of certain things.
For those who don't know what an ikemen is, it means good-looking men ^^

Btw, picture above is the mark the deadly sins will have. The pic is not mine but from LarsJack on deviantart.



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