Did A Number On My Back

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Rebekah had lost her virginity to these bullies.

She didn't want to enter. She wanted to trap herself away from them forever, and never leave. Never face them. It was too much. She still couldn't comprehend what had happened here. It was mind blowing.

But her father was already concerned, and she needed to get home- fast. So she sucked it all in, brought a shaky hand up to the door, and pushed it open, peering her head out.

Ethan and Kade were sat holding a Sony floppy disk digital camera which was connected by a wire to the TV they were both staring at. They were sniggering at it. The TV was positioned right in front of them.

As soon as the door creaked, their heads snapped in her direction. Ethan jolted up, grabbing the remote and switching the tv off. Rebekah furrowed her eyebrows at him.

A smirk curled up onto Kade's lips, and he rose himself up from the grey sofa whilst Rebekah hid her body behind the door.

" Well, look who decided to wake up," Kade said, turning back to Ethan, and jerking his head, signalling him to stand up. Ethan obliged by rising to his feet, crossing his large arms over each other against his chest.

" W-where are my clothes?" Rebekah stuttered, ignoring him and Kade took another step towards her, causing her to skirt back a little more, her nails digging into the door frame.

" Rebekah, you silly goose, they're being dried. Did you seriously think we'd just allow you to walk home all wet and ruined?" Ethan asked in a baby voice, sticking out his bottom lip. He knew full well, she already was ruined. Maybe not wet anymore- but completely ruined.

" Yeah, Becks. Do you really think that bad of us?" Kade egged on. Becks, that nickname sent an unpleasant shudder through her body.

" Well I- I mean, my father wants me home so if- if you could just take them out, that would be great." Rebekah struggled to form a sentence, and she was only fuelling them to take the piss out of her more. But she couldn't help it. She was so embarrassed, and so mad at herself that Rebekah couldn't talk to them like a normal person after what she'd done. She couldn't anyway. This wasn't their fault- it was hers. Agreeing to go there like things wouldn't get ugly. Like she wouldn't regret it.

Like her father wouldn't find out.

Kade cackled, and took another dangerous step towards her, making her body curl up against the door, and her eyes became fuzzy. " You know, Rebekah. I don't know why you're hiding like that. We seen it all before."

" Every single inch of you." Ethan added. " It was great."

Rebekah felt the bile rise in her throat, causing her to reminisce the entire scene in her head. She was disgusting- a slut. Sleeping around, especially with Kade. He was seeing her friend, wasn't he?

Oh god..

" I'm just kidding. I'll go fetch your clothing now, Becks. I won't be long." Kade eyed Ethan and Rebekah before exiting the room, whistling to himself calmly, but oddly.   

Ethan's eyes followed Kade, waiting until he'd officially left, then brought his intense gaze to meet her fearful green eyes. He gave her a daunting smile that was filled with sarcasm and gratification. But there was something in his eyes that was foreign to Rebekah; she couldn't put her finger on what it was. It was like he was forcing his lips to tug upwards.

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