My Bed in the Ground

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As I lay down in the dark, green grass, I wonder to myself,

Where am I at?

Theres a line of trees in the distance beyond the vacant field,

Its from the fate of the fiery gates, that I crumble, from the deal I've sealed.

What have I come to and where will I go?

May I ask God or is he just another foe?

I've gone down so many twisted roads in my life,

and it has always ended with my wrist and a special knife.

Buddha, Allah, Jah, are you there?

Can I pray to one of you so you'll actually care?

I'm scared and dismayed, I cant even think about peace or hope,

because for me its all just a f**ked up joke.

You don't know me and you cant see inside,

you wont ever know what's really in my mind.

I'll slash my wrists into a curdling puddle,

take all my pills so I can pass out so suddle.

No one will know because I'm always alone,

it wont matter how hard I scream or how low I will moan.

I'm gone for good, you wont notice my decay,

put me in a cardboard box and let me fade away.

Copyright 2010 Ashley Reese

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