my quotes

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You don't realize how much someone completes you, until they crush you.,

In my world there are no second chances, you only get one!,

Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.,

The worst kind of pain is when your smiling just to keep the tears from falling,

Kill or be killed,

Stay weird or die normal,

No matter what I am by then I'll always be your friend.,

Fear ends where faith begins,

I can bring the pain just like the clouds can bring the rain ,

To  love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed,

You can't break what's already broken,

Treat me like a joke, I'll leave like it's funny,

I don't talk to nightmares,

Technically nothing's illeagal unless you get caught,

And so am I!
appreciate what you have right now, because you don't always have a second chance.,

I'd fight for you no matter how hard the battle is.,

Like a girl, I fly higher,

When they're trying to get to you baby I'll be the fighter.,

Crazy is always a superpower,

If they like you good, if they don't even better it is fire to your veins.

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