questions from @Lionfire89

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As you guys might know that is my 2nd account with my cousin, and our friend. That is my cousins main account. I am currently writing a story on that account. Go check it out.
And here are some questions from my cousin.

Can you believe what jinbob did?

What would you do if darkiplier
Cam in your room?
Honestly I don't Fucking know, I guess run.

What would you do if Antisepticeye came in your room?
Probably run.

Do you like set it off?

What was your least favorite fanfic?
I don't know the name of it but it was a darkiplier fanfic she showed me and it was me shipped with him.

Do you hate me?
Hell no

Am I annoying?

Do you ever look at the stars?
Yes when I'm bored

What is your favorite fanfic.
I honestly don't know. I guess anything Randy Orton.

Darkiplier or anti?
Idfk. I guess dark

Rat vs mouse. Who wins?

Lion or wolf?

Yin or yang?

Fnaf 1 or 2?
I honestly love all of them!

Ballerina or cheer leader?
Cheer leader

Where do you live? I need to come stalk you.
I live on 666 disappointment Ln. Or as you may call it HELL.

Cats or dogs?
I love both. But I guess cats.

Black or white?

Bees or mosquitos?

Is willow annoying?

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