Klaus looked at me impressed. "Don't you two have a cellphone?" She asked, looking at the two of us. 

I sighed. "I accidentally dropped mine in a lake." I lied once again, hating myself even more for lying. 

Klaus pulls out his phone turning his phone off. "Battery died." He lied, clicking the on button. "Look, I promise we are not a serial killer we just wanna use your phone." He continued to lie trying to make her trust him. 

The woman sighed. "Sure." Klaus and I both glanced at each other. 

"Soo..." Klaus dragged out. "Can we come in?" Klaus asked, sending her a fake smile. 

"No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you." I chuckled, looking up at Klaus who looked very much annoyed. 

Dear god, this woman is in danger. "I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting." Klaus said in annoyance, using his normal accent once again. 

The woman glared at him. "I'm from Florida." She spat. I closed my eyes sighing knowing this wasn't going to end well. Since Klaus is clearly upset. 

I reopened my eyes to see Klaus stepping towards the girl. "Well that explains it." I flinched when he grabbed the girl by the throat compelling her. "Now show me a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea." Klaus nodded for me to follow along. 

I didn't want to be in this mess. I didn't want to harm others just for power. He sent me a look. "Follow me." I stared at his dark eyes before following behind him as he walked towards the kitchen. 

"I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning." The woman who was in the kitchen with a frying pan in her hand spoke up. She turned around to see us walking in with Klaus holding the sobbing girl by her neck. 

I looked down guilty as I heard the girl's sob. "What's going on?" The woman with the frying pan asked. I slowly looked up catching her gaze. 

"Please don't be alarmed. I was told Ray Sutton lives here." I shook my head in disappointment. 

I ran a hand through my hair nervously not wanting any of these women to die. "He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly." She responded. I looked over at Klaus who glanced at me knowing he was planning something. 

"But I expect he makes it home, once a month. That's what I thought. Where is he now?" Klaus questioned with a grin on his face. She didn't respond. "If I have to make you tell me it's going to be infinitely more painful for you. Hmm." He sent her a smile, causing chills to crawl up my body. 

Lately he's been creeping me out. "Please, just tell him. I won't let him harm you if you just tell us." I promised, but that didn't work at all she just turned around running out of the kitchen. I sighed running after her to see her opening the front door and there stood my brother. 

Things are just getting worse and worse. "Aaaah!" She screamed loudly, causing me to wince. Klaus walked over with the blonde woman still in front of him. 

"I love it when they run!" He grinned. 

"He's in Toll." She responded giving up. "It's near the border. A bar called. It's on Highway 41." She informed us. I sighed in relief. 

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