"Robbie." I say but he cut me off, caressing my cheek and placing his lips on mine. Letting him deepen the kiss, I wrap my wings around us as Robbie bites at my neck, making me hold back a moan.

He bites harder which makes me moan. But this brang back a sad memory.

"Robbie, stop." I get off of him.

"What are you doing?"

"We can't do this. Remember last time Peter caught you leaving your marks on me? It caused us to break up." Robbie looked down, recalling that tragic day.

"Luna!" I hear my name. I turn my head at the sound of Peter, and he was close. The hammock was hidden but not enough that Peter wouldn't be able to find it. So now it's just a matter of time before we get caught. I turn back to Robbie.

"It's Peter, he's found us. He's going to find out that-."

"Hey." Robbie whispered calmly, caressing my cheek.

"Everything will be fine, trust me. Pan won't know I left my mark on you."

"How? No one hides anything from Peter. At least not for more than a few hours. Not even I can keep anything from him."

"Well let's make history." Robbie smirked. I gave him a puzzled look.

"Let me see your neck." I knew time wasn't on our side. And that was hard to believe since we were on an island where time stood still. I moved my hair from my shoulder and Robbie waves his hand over my neck, making the love bites go away.

"There." Robbie smiles.

"Thank you," I smile. And not a moment to soon as Peter ripped the hammock off.

"Found you." I mentally groan and Robbie just smirks, making me remember that I was still laying on his chest.

"Moon, you and Robbie can't hide under your wings forever." Peter says. I feel Robbie's wings brush past mine as he unfolds them. I do the same and look at Peter, who looked like he was about to explode. And he was.

Before he could get to Robbie, I launch off of Robbie and pin Peter to a tree.

"Don't hurt him. He did nothing wrong." I say.

"He left his mark on you." Peter huffed. Now came the hard part.

"No he didn't." I say, taking my hair off of my shoulder where my love bites weren't. Peter looked like he still didn't believe me. And how could he? No one lies to Peter.

"Robbie, can you give Peter and I a minute. Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything to you." Robbie gets out of the hammock and I hear him fly off. Now that Peter and I were alone, I start to calm down.

"In my heart, I'd be glad, if you loved me for me." I sing, slowly dragging my hand down to Peter's chest. I softly hum the toon and feel Peter calm down, knowing that what I sang was true.

I look at my hand that was on his chest but Peter takes my chin in his hand, making me take my eyes off of his chest.

"Once a lass, met a lad. You're a gentle one said she." I sing.

"In my heart, I'd be glad, if you love me for me." Peter sings, closing his eyes and tilting his head. His lips met mine and I wrap my hands around his neck as his snake around my waist, slowly moving up my sides.

I let him and rake my hands through his soft hair, one hand still wrapped around his neck.

Peter smirked as I tighten my grip in his hair, hearing him groan. I smirk as Peter did it again, knowing the sound turns me on. But to be honest, all Peter needs to do is talk and I'll be turned on. And he knows that. I rest my hand on Peter's chest but drag it down to his belt, trying to take it off but Peter caught my wrist.

"Clingy are we?" Peter smirked, his accent thick and turning me on again. I ignore him and crash my lips on his. I lived in the moment as Peter pulled me in closer. But soon, Peter slowly and seductively moved his lips to my neck, nipping at my sweet spot as I moan. He raked his fingers through my hair as he kept biting.

"Peter." I moan. Peter smirked and kept biting.

"Peter." Peter backs off and looked at me but caressed my cheek when he saw that I was crying.

"What's wrong love?" He wipes my tears away.

"That night in the woods. With you. I begged you to stop.......but you wouldn't." I choke. Peter flew over to me and took me in his embrace. I lean my head on his shoulder and broke down in tears.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I let my jealously get in the way of my love. And I regret that day everyday." Peter whispered. Peter held me tighter and I nuzzled my face in his neck, shaking.

I've always felt safe in Peter's embrace. He had something that always calms me down. Could it be his soft touch, his gentle words that calmed me down? I never cared anyways. Peter and I stay like that for a while.

My wings catching the wind so we wouldn't fall, occasionally flapping to keep us up and Peter holding me.

"I don't want things to be like they were back then."

"Me neither love." I look down at my wrists where Peter's finger nail marks still remain, making me remember the pain. I hold my wrist like his nails were still clawing at my flesh. The burning feeling of him ripping my skin off of my arm.

"Luna." I look up at Peter, still holding my wrist.

"What's that?"

"Nothing." I hold my wrist tighter. Peter takes my hand off of my wrist, letting him see the marks he left on me all those years ago. I look at Peter who looked horrified.


His little devil. The third book His Love. A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) Fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now