The fall.

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Luna's P.O.V.
I walk into Felix's tent where he was and shake my body, getting water everywhere as I turn human.

"Watch it." Felix snaps.

"Why?" I ask with a smirk.

"Because you're getting everything wet."

"Boo hoo it will try." I role my eyes.

"So where's Punzie?" I ask.

"She's gone back with Jack because of Pitch." 

"Oh." I sigh. I listen to the rain. I know I've always been afraid of storms but it's different with family.

"So how long is this storm going to last?" I ask.

"Who knows. Could be weeks." Felix says.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"What's weird?" I ask.

"That Lilly and Henry are together."

"Why is that weird?"

"Well just if we're siblings and our siblings our dating, don't you think that's just a little weird?"

"Honestly, we live on an island where we never grow up, with weird things everywhere. At this point, nothing is weird to me." I scoff.

"And plus, we were the last siblings before our family's split. So Lilly and Henry aren't related." I say.

"True." We sit on the bed fo the day, talking about random things. I would occasionally jump when there was thunder but tried to hide it from Felix. He doesn't need to know of how much of a coward I am of storms.

The storm broke up a few times and everyone took that time to either help fix what was broken or talk with their friends. Peter even delivered us our meals with his magic. I stayed with Felix all day.

"I'm glad we're siblings." Felix says. We were outside at the table, looking as the Lost Boys walked around and talked. Peter was over in Cassie's tent. He was just as afraid of storms as I was.

"Why?" I smile.

"Because I can do things and you can't kill me for them." Felix smirked.

"What would you do that would make me want to kill you?" I look at him.

"Something like this." Felix pushed me off of the table and into the mud. Felix laughs and I slowly get up.

"Felix!" I scream. Felix gets off of the table and runs into the jungle. I follow him and quickly tackle him to the ground. We fall down a steep hill, making me get off of Felix as we tumble down the hill.

We stop rolling and I pick my head up, looking around. It was a part of the island that I've been to but don't go to a lot. I shake my head to get the leaves out of my hair when I hear my name.


"I'm fine Felix." I say. I look at my leg which was stuck under a heavy rock. I try to move it but as soon as I tried I winced in pain.

"Great." I mutter to myself. Felix comes over to me and I was happy to see a familiar face since this part of the island was new to me.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I say. I try to sit up but my trapped leg prevented me from doing so. I tried to get the rock off of my leg but failed. Felix finally was able to get my leg free and I breath a sigh of relief.

I try to move my leg again but the pain stopped me.

"Luna, you're hurt." Felix says.

"I'm fine, really." I say, looking at the bruise and cuts around my ankle. I try to move again but couldn't.

"Don't move, it'll do no good." Felix says.

"Great. Now how am I going to explain to Peter that I broke my leg?" I sigh.

"We'll figure that out later, for now, let's just try to find a way out of here." Felix looks around for a way back home. He turns back to me and looks at my arm.

"Luna, your arm." I look at my arm and see there was a cut with purple and black liquid surrounding it.

"Dreamshade," Felix says. I know he was trying to stay calm for me but I could see that he was panicking inside.

"Whatever. We just need to get home." I fail at moving my leg again.

"No you're hurt. You can't walk in your condition."

"Felix, I've delt with worse."

"Stay here. I'll be right back." Felix says, getting up and walking away to find a way back home. I wonder if Peter even realized we're missing.

Felix's P.O.V.
I look around to find a way back that I could get Luna home easily but no luck. I did find a way, but Luna wouldn't be able to get up. Luna could use her powers to get us back to camp but she needed to save her energy. Sighing, I go back to Luna who looked weaker.

I knew time was running out and it was up to me to save Luna. I kneel down to Luna and she looked pale. The Dreamshade was making its way up her arm.

"I found a way out but you wouldn't be able to go because of your leg." I say.

"Go. Get Peter. Tell them where I am. Get help."

"No, I'm not leaving you." I say.

"Felix please." It was now dark and I didn't know when the next storm when come. But it had to be soon. I take my cloak off and wrap it around Luna so she'll stay warm.

"I'll be back as fast as I can." I say. I smile at her and get up, quickly running up the hill and back to camp faster then I've ever ran before.

I reach camp and run into Pan's tent. He turns to look at me and his face looked worried.

"It's Luna."

"What, what happened, where is she?"

"She's trapped. She can't move her leg and she's been cut with Dreamshade."

"Take me to her." I nod and we ran out of the tent and into the rain. Robbie and the trio came as well as I lead them to the hill where Luna was at the bottom.

"Carful, we can't lose any more people down here." Pan says as we slowly walk down the hill. Luna was still how I left her but passed out. Pan runs up to her and kneels down.

"The poison is almost to her heart and she broke her leg and a wing. Robbie, get her back to the tree house. The antidote is there. Andrew, you and your brothers make sure they get there with no delay." Pan ordered. Robbie gets Luna in his arms and flew up the hill with the trio following.

Pan and I watch as Robbie carried my sister away.

"She'll make it Felix." Pan says. I look at him, my mind still on Luna. We walk back up the hill and I noticed something in the dirt. I pick it up and saw it was Luna's feather. I smile and put it in my pocket to give it to Luna later.

"How'd you even end up down there?" Pan asked.

"Luna tackled me."

"What for?" Pan chuckled.

"I did something I shouldn't have."

"You underestimate her, didn't you?" Pan smirked.

"Yeah, a mistake I will never do again." I chuckled. We get back to camp and I went back in my tent for the night. I get into bed. Max slept with me as well which he normally does.

But I couldn't fall asleep with my mind still wondering if Luna would be ok or not. I mean, who would be able to sleep when you know your sister is infected with Dreamshade? Max crawled over to me and I smile and scratch his head.

"I know boy, I'm worried to."

His little devil. The third book His Love. A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) Fan fiction.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora