Part Four

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So, as some more things come to light in this story, I will be confronting issues I feel people including myself tend not to think on for a long amount of time or at all!

So, do let me know what you think!

Part 4-

Khushi turned around when she felt a hand on her wrist, she looked back around to see Arnav, she looked back to his hand, his shirt had slid up showing a bloody scratch on his wrist
Arnav followed her gaze to his wrist, then yanked his hand back as if he had been burnt.

Khushi grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the office.
She sniffed, wiping her tears quickly as she sat him down
"Khushi, im fine"
She cleared her throat "Was it because she touched you"
Arnav grimaced, nodding slowly. Khushi knelt down, she lifted her shaky hand and rested it on his cheek "Its okay Arnav, no one can hurt you anymore, okay" she promised

Arnav nodded, he hated himself now more than ever for always being the man that hurt her, he wished he was capable of being normal just like she was. Throughout it all she had never left and now what was he giving her other than pain.
Her touch was soothing as she cleaned the wound on his wrist, he never expected to find someone that loved him as much as Khushi did, but he was never going to be the right man for her.

She pulled back, making him immediatley miss the warmth her touch gave him
"You're still not coming home" he asked
Khushi nodded "I just need a break for a while, I know this is hard for you Arnav, but its hard for me to"
He looked down solemnly "When will you come back"
"Im not sure, you'll see me soon, as the contract states"
He wanted to argue, but what could he say?

She was the purest soul he had ever met, drawing him to her straight away, yet he could never give her what she wanted or be the man she deserved.
But he was selfish, and he had no idea how to live without her, the contract was the only thing he could use to keep her around
She linked her pinky finger through his, gripping it tightly "Remember, you allow someone to touch you, if you dont like it, just pull away"

Her words made him feel weaker. He was the man, he was meant to protect her, yet here she was dressing his wounds and fighting his inner demons for him. She was his shield, always stood in the way of any bad that came his way, but yet it was her that got the worst of it.
She let go of him and then walked to the door, she turned back around to see him "When is your next counselling session"
"Tomorrow at five"
"You want me to come"

And find out how much of a mess he really was? No. But to have her near him again was to much of a temptation for him to just ignore. "Please"
She nodded again "Okay, see you then"
Then she was gone, Arnav's chest tightened painfully at the thought of another night without her.
He wanted to call her back and make this right, but he would never ask her to stay, he already asked for to much


Khushi sat next to Arnav in the waiting room, he flexed his hand in irritation, he just wanted to hold her hand, but he felt like he had no right to. As if she sensed his inner fight, she rested her hand on his lap and smiled softly up at him
"Nervous" she asked
He wasnt really sure what she had said, he was to taken in by her beauty.
The way she smiled at him made his heart skip a beat, her angelic presence in his life was always a welcomed distraction

"Mr Arnav Raizada" the counsellor called, he smiled as Arnav stood up
"So you finally brought your wife, Khushi I have heard a lot about you, i'm Doctor Johnson, but you can call me Ryan"
Khushi outstretched her hand to take his, shaking his hand.
Khushi smiled up at Arnav, then they both walked in to the room together.

"So, hows your week been" asked Ryan
Arnav visibly grimaced. Ryan looked at Khushi "How do you think Arnav's week has been"
"Im not sure, he's been quite busy, but um, I moved out for a while"
Ryan raised his brow "I assume that must be hard for the both of you"
Arnav nodded beside her, Khushi smiled "But we're not here to talk about me"
Ryan wrote something down then looked back up "Khushi, do you always hide your feelings from Arnav"

Arnav looked at Khushi, unable to decipher her expression
"Up until recently, yes"
Arnav frowned, she didnt even feel like she could speak to him
"Why" prodded Ryan
"I guess, it took for someone close to me to make me realise I wasnt really admitting that I felt alone"
Arnav moved away from her slightly, the last thing he wanted was to make Khushi feel alone, he knew how that felt

Ryan turned to Arnav "Have you told her how you feel about this"
Arnav shook his head
Ryan nodded "Arnav, how do you feel"
He turned to look at Khushi and shrugged "You have to do what you want to do, my opinion doesnt matter"
Ryan shook his head "But maybe she wants to hear it"
Arnav rubbed his hands over his face, "You're all I have, without you, I truly am alone"

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