Part One

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Khushi turned on her side to face her husband, the multimillionaire Arnav Raizada. He looked so serene, so peaceful as he slept, absent mindedly she lifted her hand and placed it on his bearded cheek.
How she loved him, adored him.

He was the silent type, didn't speak a lot or confess his love for her, though they had been together for nearly three years. But, she believed he loved her, although he was a distant man, it was in their shared silence that she felt most at home, it was their comfortable silence she cherished the most.

Khushi pulled her hand to his chest, she recalled the first time she had felt those hasty beats against her hand, it was the first time they had met. When the Gupta's and Raizada's decided on arranging their marriage.

Arnav sauntered towards Khushi, her back was turned away from him, but she could feel his presence there. "So, you're a dancer, how exotic"
Although she had known he was there, it still made her jump.
She turned around slowly and nodded.
"I want you Khushi" she gulped, the things his voice alone could do to her was frightening
"Well, you can't have me"
He chuckled, stroking his beard "Oh, I already do"

He was right, there was something about Arnav that had pulled her in at that very moment, it continued to pull her in now she sat by his side as he slept.
She bent down, pressing her lips to his, his eyes shot open making her jump back, he grabbed her waist to steady her and his eyes lit with humour.
"Now, that is my faviourate way to wake up"

Khushi pulled back ever so slightly and allowed him to get up, he hated being late and she had a tendency to get carried away when she was to close to him for to long.
Arnav sat up, putting his legs on the side of the bed and stretched his arms out, the muscles on his back stretched as he pushed his hands down either side of him and stood up

Khushi knew now that she wouldn't see Arnav until after work, which usually tended to be after midnight, she sighed heavily and went to get ready for the day.
Arnav passed her quickly, rushing to get ready, often she wished Arnav would pay her as much attention as he did his work but she would never tell him that
Then with a kiss to her cheek, he was gone.


Khushi sat infront of Lavanya, unable to focus on what Lavanya was saying. Her thoughts completley with Arnav.
Lavanaya clapped her hands making Khushi jolt up straight with a befuddled expression on her face
"Everyday I see you this way Khushi, you may love him but you're not happy"
Khushi gulped painfully "I am happy"
Lavanya raised her brow "Then why dont you smile or laugh anymore, when does ASR ever give you time, its been three years Khushi, wake up"

Khushi looked away "He does love me, I know he does"
"Do you, or do you just want him to love you, every dance rehearsal, every dance performance, he is never there"
Khushi looked taken aback by Lavanya's tone
"Well, thats because I dont tell him when they are"
"Why not, you always go to his fancy parties"
"Because he's busy" Khushi retorted
"And what, you're not, what are you so afraid of Khushi"

Lavanya sat back waiting for an answer, when it hit her
"My god, you're afraid he doesnt love you aren't you"
Khushi swallowed painfully "This conversation is over" she stood up and walked out, ignoring Lavanya's calls for her to come back
Khushi sat down on a bench, she looked up at Arnav's huge building where he worked.

He loved her, he had to love her. Because if he didnt, well then she had no idea what to do.
Without realising where her feet were taking her, she stood up and walked towards his office.
Khushi finally arrived on the top floor, she walked slowly towards the front desk
"I want to see Arnav please"

The man shook his head without looking up "Mr Raizada is busy right now"
Khushi slammed her hand down angrily making him look up "I said, I want to see Arnav please"
The mans eyes widened "Oh, Mrs Raizada, im so sorry, I will go get him right now"
Khushi placed her hand on the desk, she had never came to Arnav's office before, she had no idea why she even came or what she was trying to prove.

Arnav walked forward from his office, pushing his hair back "Khushi, what are you doing here"
Khushi suddenly felt a lot calmer, she stretched her hand out and took his
Arnav stepped closer "Has someone upsett you, is that why you're here"
Khushi shook her head "I just wanted to see you"
Arnav sighed "Khushi, I have a lot of work to do right now, you know you'll see me later, when I get home"

Khushi nodded solemnly "Yeah, have a good day" she kissed his cheek and walked away
Khushi pressed the button for the lift quickly, her eyes filling with tears that she did not want Arnav to see
The lift opened and she stepped in quickly, turning around she saw Arnav was still looking at her with a worried expression on his face


Arnav walked in at 1:15am, he shut the door and walked into the living room to see Khushi was not there. She always waited up for him, but for some reason she didnt tonight
He stepped into the bedroom to see she had already fallen asleep.
He went to get changed, ignoring his dinner on the table, he climbed into bed

"Why do I feel like i'm losing you Khushi" he whispered

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