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Jinyoung had stayed true to his words. The more he reacted to Jaebum's antics, the bolder Jaebum used to get. But not anymore. Jinyoung stops acknowledging his existence altogether. 

He'd pass Jaebum in the hallways and would look through him as if Jaebum was invisible. They weren't in the same class so it gradually became easier for him. And with Jackson's company, he hardly felt lonely and tortured.

Jinyoung was recovering slowly from what Jaebum did to him in the library. There was no forgiving or forgetting but Jinyoung had managed to distance himself from Jaebum as much as he could. And finally he could breath the fresh air, finally he found enough confidence to act like his old self in the vicinity of Jaebum. He used to be cheerful which was lost somewhere along the line while having an unhealthy attachment to Jaebum. 

Jinyoung brought himself back with the help of Youngjae, who would write songs lately and they often jammed together with Jinyoung's new guitar. Jinyoung brought himself back with the help of Yugyeom who he had learned to adore like a little brother, taking sheer joy at his attempts to be a better fisherman than his father. And lastly, Jinyoung brought himself back with the help of Jackson who was the only person having knowledge of Jinyoung's fucked up life.

Jackson would glare at Jaebum from time to time and Jaebum would look away immediately. He probably thought that Jinyoung was sleeping with this new boy. That could have been the reason of their detachment because Jinyoung changed his number as well. Jinyoung didn't care what Jaebum would assume anymore because there is no way he was giving in.

It was a Sunday morning, Jinyoung was taking out their pet golden retriever for a walk over the pier. Their town being close to a major river had its merits and demerits. At times the typhoon would hit hard and leave destruction in it's wake but the river was probably the only thing Jinyoung loved in this suburban wasteland. Most of the time they would go down the the river, throwing stones into the water or on a fishing trip with Yugyeom but in other times, the boys would simple rest on the deck and admire the sunset.

His dog had decided to run after a stray cat causing Jinyoung to hold onto the leash tighter as the retriever tried to go off course for the feline.

"Easy, Goldie easy."

He tried to calm the pet by getting down on one knee and stroke his head lovingly. And when he finally looks up, he spots something unpleasant. 

Jaebum was hanging out with Seulgi on the pier, their fingers intertwined. As if on cue, Jaebum turned his neck slightly to the left. He spotted Jinyoung with his dog no less than 20 feet away. Jinyoung decided that there was no point to linger around and he should make his way back home already.

But his feet grew roots and he couldn't move using all his willpower.

Jaebum simply pulled Seulgi's head closer, sealing her mouth with his. Seulgi didn't seem to mind but then why would she? He was her official boyfriend after all and they probably did all sort of stuff in privacy. But Jinyoung saw through the facade.

As Jaebum deepened the kiss, Jinyoung felt his toe curl in shame as painful memories flooded back. When Jaebum had kissed him after he played the first song on his guitar, it initially felt blissful. But now, all Jinyoung wanted to do was to rinse his mouth with bleach. He knew Jaebum was doing all of it on purpose to show Jinyoung what exactly he was missing out on, what exactly he was refusing. Jinyoung held onto the leash tighter and somehow got up on his feet. A sudden dizzy spell took over and he had to force himself to look away from the nasty display of affection.

Jinyoung turned around and started walking, gritting his teeth and warning himself to not cry for Jaebum at any cost.

Jaebum could go and fuck Seulgi for all he cared. Well, they could have already done the deed. But that wasn't his business. So he walked faster than usual and Goldie had to run along with him. Returning back to the safety of his room, Jinyoung threw himself face first into the bed.

"Fuck you, Im Jaebum. Why don't you just leave me alone? Why don't you fucking disappear? Just die already. I hate you so much."

Jinyoung only spoke to the four walls of his room as usual. He picked up a side pillow, assumed it was Jaebum and started throwing punches into it. He wished he could punch him for real but there is no way he was sacrificing his well though out routine of ignoring Jaebum on stake.

So he kept pounding the pillow instead until the cotton popped out of it.

the sun will set for you | jj projectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora