Show Him What A Good Time Is

Start from the beginning

" Are you having the usual, Miss Fleetwood?" Janice, the dinner lady kindly asked, already taking the jacket potato from the rack.

The dinner ladies knew Rebekah too well. Every single day without fail, she'd get the same meal. A crispy, baked jacket potato with tuna, cheese, salad and mayonnaise. The cafeteria didn't sell much, mostly all junk food, and Rebekah wasn't that kind of eater; due to her participating in a lot of swimming, her father made sure she kept a healthy, balanced diet.

Rebekah smiled warmly at the fact they knew her like this. It was rather amusing and the staff would chuckle along with her about how she'd become the meal one day.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks," Rebekah giggled nervously for some reason; she'd always been easily embarrassed. Even by the most simplest thing like the staff knowing her order.

When Janice had handed it to her, she payed and sweetly thanked them again, before taking a seat in the cafeteria. She chose a large table for herself due to the fact she loved sitting alone. Plus, the window was right beside her where she could peer outside, and enjoy the sweet smell of air that sunk into her body and immediately calmed her. She needed that relaxation due the fact she had a ton of examinations coming up in a few months and was stressing like hell; she should know she'd do well either way. Even though the sky was cloudy and miserable today, she still decided to place herself there.

Rebekah slowly began cutting up her food, watching as the knife slid through the potato so softly. It was rather satisfying. When she'd done so, she began eating and letting out a breath of freedom.

" Why are you sat alone?" Rebekah heard a voice from in front of her, and brought her green eyes up to meet the girls that stood before her.

These were her girls. The question had come from Victoria Stratford, who's light blue eyes bored into Rebekah's and a freshly plucked brow, furrowed at her. Vicky had golden hair that was always lightly curled at the bottom. Her skin was as soft and clear as fresh snow, and her beautiful, ocean eyes had every boy worshipping the ground she walked on; Vicky Stratford ruled the group.

The other girls, including Francesca, Cheryl and Molly, had their eyes set on Rebekah's face as they awaited a response. Rebekah felt herself blush- it was the fact that she'd been caught. She tucked a blonde lock behind her ear and cleared her throat.

" I couldn't find anyone, so I figured I may as well get us a table," Rebekah lied. She hated lying. She had a lovely personality, and was a great person in general- she rarely told fibs, but to be truthful to herself, she preferred being alone than with these people. They usually did the meanest things during lunch time, and Rebekah didn't want to participate in it.

Rebekah reckoned if she sat in the cafeteria, they wouldn't find her. They spent their time outside at lunch, watching the boys play soccer or they were usually at cheerleading practice, but Rebekah had got unlucky as they'd now found her hiding spot.

Vicky was dressed in a red and white crop top and a short skirt reading THE RED DEVILS, clearly symbolising the school's cheerleading squad which Vicky was the captain of. Rebekah wasn't part of the team, although everyone had begged her to join, even claiming she'd swipe Vicky's spot as captain. But Rebekah wasn't in to that type of sporting activity.

Rebekah couldn't lie, Vicky was beyond stunning. She even found herself becoming self-conscious just from one glance at Victoria Stratford; she may have been gorgeous, but her personality was revolting, so it was a waste of a pretty face.

Vicky just looked at the girls still standing as if they were gormless. Her intimidating eyes demanded them to sit down and they immediately began scurrying to their seats.

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