Chapter 3: Society Under Andrèism.

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 Now that we've gone over the concepts and principles of Andrèism, we now look to the question: What would society be like under Andrèism? To answer this, we shall look at what major changes would occur and at how they all benefit the Proletariat.

 First, we shall look at the Andrèist government; as was stated in the last chapter, all states will have a Workers' Council, all of which would be fairly and appropriately sized with the respected state, as the population in each state varies. These Councils will consist of workers in all fields, who will completely and cooperatively own the means of production through Syndicalism, which will help serve the economy. At the center of these Councils is the Central Committee of delegates, which would comprise of 900 directly elected officials. The overall purpose of the Central Committee is to educate the masses in political and economic affairs, ensure stability within the Socialist society (along with the Workers' Councils), watch over the interests of all the people (and see that all interests are satisfied), and to help encourage an international revolution. In short, the Andrèist government would be organized as a Purely Democratic Federation, with the Workers' Councils acting as the independent, yet cooperative, systems, with the Central Committee of delegates acting as the temporary center.

 Onto Economics; how would the economy grow? As was said, the Syndicalist system would help the economy grow. By having ownership of the means of production be placed in the hands of the workers, they will communicate and cooperate on how to both maintain and grow the economy. Should the economy begin to fall, the workers would work together to find and use ways to bring it back up without risking a reverse to Capitalism or without oppressing anyone. But what of the national debt? Firstly, there will be a tax on oil, gas and any other energy source that comes out of the ground that was hoarded by the Capitalists; although this tax would be directed towards the Workers' Councils, it would be a temporary tax that would be removed once the debt is paid. Secondly, a majority of the Capitalists' wealth will be used to help pay the debt as much as it can. Thirdly, the installation of tariffs would also be used to help pay off the debt, while also helping to keep jobs from being taken by any Capitalist nations that wish to bring the people back into being dominated by the Capitalists. Finally, our surplus, which has also been hoarded by the Capitalists, will be sold to other nations, whilst a great percentage of that surplus will be freely given to nations that desperately needed them, but were denied by the Capitalists. These methods, combined, should gradually, but surely, pay off the national debt that has plagued us for decades.

 Onto the social life under Andrèism; how would the people's everyday lives change as a result of this shift from Capitalism to Socialism? sided with the direct participation of political and economic decision making and the education on political and economic matters, the people's lives would be made much better through Communal Parenting, Living and Farming, free Education, better wages, better housing, an increase in jobs with a shorter work time, and Rehabilitative Justice, to name a few things.

 With Communal Parenting, inexperienced and first-time parents would be taught by the community on how to properly care for the child until the inexperienced and first-time parents are able to fully care for the child on their own. According to the Pew Research Center, the primary issues with parenting, aside from inexperience, stem from financial issues:

"Along with more negative ratings of their neighborhoods, lower-income parents are more likely than those with higher incomes to express concerns about their children being victims of violence. At least half of parents with family incomes less than $30,000 say they worry that their child or children might be kidnapped (59%) or get beat up or attacked (55%), shares that are at least 15 percentage points higher than among parents who with incomes above $75,000. And about half (47%) of these lower income parents worry that  their children might be shot at some point, more than double the share among higher-income parents...

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