After changing my uniform to my one piece navy blue swimsuit that has a small Uchiha symbol on the back, I got out and carried my bag with me. "Yo Sarada over here. I'll watch over your stuff." Chocho called out, waving her hands at me. I walked towards them and handed her my bag. "Thanks Chocho." I smiled gratefully at her. "No problem, now get out there and kick Yamaguchi's team." She said out loud, enough for some students to hear. I nodded at her and walked towards my teammates who are currently doing warm ups. "Hey." Shikadai spoke. "Hey." I said and nodded my head at him as I began doing warm ups with them.

After a good few minutes the sound of the air horn filled the place. "Okay guys. I know that the competition is a few days far but as you can see, this bitch here has been blabbering about how good Leaf High is so I suggested that we would show them our skills as well." Coach Suigetsu said cheerfully and earned a whack in the head by Karin who stood beside him, fuming mad. "I dare you to call me a-" but he cut her off. "A bitch?" He said annoying her which she threw a punch but he quickly dodged it and another arguement between the two started again.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." We all turned to the person who said those words and saw Yamaguchi smirking along with his team. "What a downer, to think I have to compete with a girl. I guess I have no choice but to go easy on you." He insulted, his smirk getting bigger. I was about to backfire him when Boruto suddenly stood in front of me. "I'd say give your best shot and let's see who you're referring to as a downer." He glared at Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi looked at Boruto to me and smirked.

3rd person's POV

After a moment of dead silence, both coaches made their way towards their team. "Let's start the competition." Karin said. The first people to swim was Shikadai, Metal Lee and Houki along with three of Leaf's High swimmers. Shikadai was on the second lane, Metal Lee on the fourth and Houki on the 6th. "Take your mark." Suigetsu said as he held our an air horn and as the he pressed the button, the air horn honked and the swimmers dived. Although the audience consisted of Leaf's High student council and Konohagakure High selected students, the cheers were loud it's as if there were a lot of students gathered. The cheers mixed the air.

The next batch was Sarada along with the school prince, Inojin and the school's beast, Boruto. Sarada was on the second lane, Boruto on the fourth and Inojin on the sixth. "I'm not gonna go easy on you." Yamaguchi, Kenji said smirking at the girl beside him. He was in the first lane as the six of them waited for their respective members to touch the board. "Give me your best shot." Sarada smirked. Shikadai and the other swimmer in Leaf High who was in the first lane touched the board at the same time as Sarada and Kenji dived in the pool and swam. The next person to dive was Inojin and followed by Boruto along with the two Leaf High swimmers.

"That girl.." Karin spoke earning Suigetsu's attention. "She's pretty amazing huh?" He said proudly, his eyes never taking off Sarada and Kenji swimming against each other as Boruto followed up next to them and Inojin. Although Inojin started first than Boruto, he managed to out run Inojin. "She's the daughter of the late Uchiha's huh.." Karin said softly, her heart clenched upon knowing Sarada has no parents to turn to. "Yeah, although Sasuke was a hard catch for you but you never gave up pestering him till you met his lovely wife." Suigetsu smirked.

Karin hit him in the head. "You idiot! Let that memory go! It's all in the past!" She argued and sighed as she turned to look at the competition happening before her eyes, shock filled her. It was only a matter of seconds she blinked and when she opened her eyes, the competition was already over with Sarada and Kenji having a tie, followed by Boruto by a millisecond. "Guess we have to congratulate the two." Suigetsu said standing up and walking towards the two swimmers who were brickering.

Sarada's POV

As soon as I touched the surface, I immidately looked at Yamaguchi and saw that we had a tie. "WHAT?!" We both said in unison. "Oh my bad for being too gentle on you." Yamaguchi smirked. "Funny. We both know you gave your best out there to protect your pride." I smirked at him to which he rolled his eyes at. "Congratulations Sarada." Coach Suigetsu said as he pulled me up the water. "Thank you." I smiled at him. He turned to look at Yamaguchi who just got out of the water and congratulated him. A towel covered my shoulders and I turned to look at the person who did that. "You did good out there." Boruto smiled. "Thank you, you did too." I blushed. Who knew Boruto would look so good when he smiles?

"Congratulations Sarada!" Inojin said as he lifted me up the ground and spinned me around. "Thank you!" I giggled. He stopped and placed me back on my toes. He turned to Boruto and congratulated him. The boys walked towards the changing room to change while I stood there and sighed. I was about to walk towards the girls changing room when someone tapped my shoulder, I turned to look at the person and saw Yamaguchi. "What do you want Yamaguchi." I spat. "You gonna be in the competition?" He asked, not minding my rude behavior. "Yes." I said not wanting this conversation to last longer, he nodded his head and I turned my heel to walk towards the girls changing room.

I took off my swimsuit and took a shower. The place is as big as Konohagakure. Then I realized that my bag is with Chocho. "SHIT!" I cursed out loud as I quickly wrapped the towel around my body. I walked towards the lockers and began walking in circles. "What to do." I kept repeating. In the middle of my stupidity the door opened and Boruto stood there with my duffel bag on his shoulder. "You forgot y-" he immediately froze upon seeing me. "Semi naked."

"YOU JERK!!!!!" I shouted as I threw a punch at him and shut the door on his face. My heart raced. "I'm never getting married!" I cried. I immediately lifted my bag off the floor which Boruto probably dropped when my fist came in contact with him. I changed into my uniform and placed the towel on the bench and marched outside. "HEY YOU LIL CHI-" but he didn't have the chance to finish his sentence as the door hit him square in the face. "Oops." I said meekly.

"Oops? OOPS?! I BROUGHT YOUR THINGS AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME BY PUNCHING ME AND 'OOPS'?!" He said irritatedly, his face was getting red by the second. "I.. It was all your fault!" I defended myself. Boruto glared down at me. "My fault?! Why would it be my fault?!" He asked angrily. "You could have knocked the door before entering." Someone butted in our heated arguement. We both turned to look at the person and there stood Yamaguchi in his blue uniform. "No one asked for your opinion Yamaguchi." Boruto said glaring at the blonde before him. "I know but I just pointed the truth." He said casually and walked out. "What's wrong with you people?!" Boruto asked out loud as he threw him hand up irritatedly and walked out on me.

"Okay, what the hell just happened?" I asked myself dumbfolded.

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