"I do not want my daughter learning of their existence, that only puts her at a risk," he said stubbornly.

If Valentina learned of wolves existing it opened so many more dangerous possibilities. They made many enemies and the more ignorant you were the safer. If she asked the wrong people the right questions then they could easily use her as leverage or worse, change her into one of them, or kill her as a threat.

If a wolf stood in front of their daughter passive it could mean something sickening, that he didn't want to accept. He wouldn't let a bond like that happen he'll make sure that wolf or any others coming back are done with.

"When did wolves even enter Maine again without our knowing? We made sure the last of them were dealt with years ago" he questioned. Markos who didn't have an answer for that.

David, Lara, and Markos were heads of the teams that made sure wolves were annihilated or ran out of their town. They saw to it that their bodies were harvested, looted for their pelts and fangs, and even captured alive for them to learn better ways to deal with them.

It's what they did and made sure teams across the country had their own supply of wolves to learn how to deal with them. This has kept wolves out of Maine for years, but what made this wolf come back?

"What's the move here?" Markos asked him.

"I want that wolf brought here alive if possible and if not killed, and any other wolf that dare come back" he snapped.

"Now, now that's a bit lenient isn't it mirado. If we keep it alive what message does it send to other wolves?" Lara said coming back into the office and facing her husband arms crossed.

"Lara," Markos said regarding her with a nod of his head.

"Markos," she said not sparing him a glance.

She still wasn't a fan of his, but Markos was silently thankful that she had arrived. As usual, she was straight to the point and more direct with handling a problem than her husband. If anyone were to ask Markos which of the two were deadlier David had the physical prowess and power to back while his wife could be cold and calculating making the plans. Making her an even more dangerous threat.

"This wolf will pay for approaching our daughter" David began but she cut him off.

"And it will, in its blood. We don't want a pack coming if it knows there's a chance its member is alive, and that's only hoping we're not dealing with an alpha" she explained to her husband putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Then we're focused on the wolf?" Markos asked making sure. It sounded as if there were a lot of plans being thrown around.

"You will watch over our daughter, unfortunately, she's stubborn like her father and will keep that silly job of hers. We will also make sure this wolf and the others crossing through our town are handled. As for our business partners; they will still receive what they have paid for" Lara explained to him and he and David nodded along with the plan.

"What of our contact from the other side Markos?" David asked him carefully.

Markos met their expecting stares responding with all seriousness, "We've managed to establish 3 with the promise of immunity to those participating from the oncoming extinction, but our oldest was killed by a wolf within the pack"

"Did the wolf catch on to our plans," David asked.

"We now have no way of telling unless we establish another connect but it was hard enough getting contact in that pack, turns out its previous Alpha was one of the more willing types to save his own hide" Markos continued.

So much for a wolfs loyalty, Markos thought sarcastically.

"Well good riddance if it was easily found out it was a liability anyway," Lara said shaking her head.

"How will we find these wolves if I may ask?" Markos questioned.

Lara and David shared one of their looks between each other and David walked in front of Markos pulling off his glasses and staring at him for a long hard time.

"If anyone else were to question us on our methods we'd have them taken down a notch, right Lara?" he asked without looking and Lara agreed sitting atop the desk legs crossed at the heel.

"But you brother are one of us, we plan to bring hunters back, if wolves make their presence known and associate so closely with my family, then we shall make our presence known to them. This is a hunter run world and werewolves will go extinct under our watch" he said smiling at Markos.

"They may know how to avoid hunters though"

"Then we'll set traps to draw them out, eventually they'll slip up. And once we find the pack they're from that'll be our bonus now won't it" Lara elaborated a light in her eyes.

Markos agreed meeting her smile with his own grin. David and Lara were like family to him, so he knew these two back when they personally got their hands dirty dealing with these mutts. Now the three of them stood in power with most of the town knowing their influence and the protection they provided in return for a fee. After all, they'd need the town on their side if anything were to come to light. 

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