“Alright… If it’s what you want, I guess, I don’t really care as long as you’re staying with me,” Oliver pushed off the bench and put a hand around Felicity’s waist, pulling her close.

They were in his car, off and driving on the way to the Starling City’s airport - Oliver hand in hand with Felicity, talking about how to get her old job back because she was falling in hate with this one being his assastiant. 

"What will you say?" Felicity asked him wondering how threatening he'll get even though he's the boss of the whole Queen's Consolidated Company.

“I’ll just say please,” Oliver said simply. “You know you could just have her job, right?”

Felicity shook her head, “Favoritism! No one would listen to my rules if you handed the job over after we did sleep together, so the rumors would now be true."

"Aww," Oliver said now understanding, "is that why you wouldn't have sex wit me before?"

Felicity's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson. "Anyway," Felicity said, changing the subject, "I’ll probably just work at where I was before, on the 18th floor.”

"The 18th floor?"

Felicity nodded and smiled, “On my dusty, old, dirty 18th floor.”

The rest of the car ride Felicity sand along to the radio, while Oliver listened to her hum and good tones. He wanted to tell her that she was a pretty good singer, but then she would probably stop from being too embarrassed.

They arrived at the airport 15 minutes later, and it took at least a half an hour to walk around throughout the whole station and find where Stark’s private jet would land.

Oliver and Felicity waited patiently, as they saw the plane land and Sara step out in her simple every day wear.

“That’s a woman from S.H.I.E.L.D, be right back,” Felicity quickly told Oliver jumping up and running toward Black Canary. “Hey, Sara, where’s Tony? I tried to call him, but he’s not answering. Is something wrong?”

“Well, we’ve all been really busy the last couple hours, so he probably didn’t get the messages, but are you ready to go?” She asked looking around Felicity. “Where are you’re bags? I’m sure you can tell Stark what you’re thinking when we get there.”

“Umm... Why’d they have you come and pick me up out of all people, Sara?” Felicity asked curious not wnating to break the ice so soon, so hard...

“Oh,” Sara laughed uneasily, “I’m familiar with the area… I lived here for a time and got to know a couple friends in town.”

Felicity crossed her arms, “Really? Wow, well, I’m glad you got to see at least a little bit of your hometown, but the trip you made here was a waste. I can’t go with you,” Felicity spoke over the noises that were going on around them.

“What!” Sara yelled. “Why?”

“Well, I found my place here,” Felicity smiled, “at least for now, anyway. I have my… boyfriend and a new job, family here, friends. It was a mistake to ask Stark for the favor, and I’m so sorry, but I tried to call!” Felicity justified.

"I completely under-" 

Felicity stopped to see if Sara would finish her sentance. "You understand? That's good cause I was hoping you could tell the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D for me, since they are all 'Big, bad... Grr!"

Sara wanted to listen to Felicity, she thought Felicity was a sweet girl with big dreams and a great life a head of her, but Sara wasn’t listening. She was watching the man behind Felicity, the one whose mouth was open, now standing, and eyes squinted, looking lost. That or like he saw losing his mind from seeing a ghost.

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now