Chapter 36

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"Who is she? This... This Amanda?" Felicity asked slowly, having a feeling that Oliver wouldn't want to talk about it. She was very excepting about things like that, she knew that memories hurt when you pushed too hard on them, and that is the reason why she didn't ask alot of questions about the Island and his past. When he wanted to talk about them, he would. And she would listen with open ears, waiting and eagger.

"Someone that can help, and someone that you hopefully won't ever meet." Oliver had a sinking feeling in his stomach. Almost like... He knew something bad was going to happen. Something worse than this whole virus getting out. The body count hasn't increased, rather stayed the same, two or three dying a day.

"Why?" she asked sitting by him and taking his hand in hers. "Is she dangerous?"

"In every way," Oliver sad not meeting her eyes. "I..." Oliver stars over again, almost nervous that she won't agree to his terms, "Promise me from here on out that you will do what I say if it comes down to your safety?"

Felicity could almost hear the pleading in his voice. "Oliver? Nothing is going to happen to me," she said even though she had a feeling that her words wouldn't ease his worry. "I will stand by you, through danger or safety."

"No, Felicity, I need you to be safe in case anything happens." He stoked her cheek with his thumb affectionately. "I need you to promise me that you will do what I say when it concerns your saftey."

Felicity just nodded. "Oliver? I need you to promise me that you'll do what I say when it comes down to your safety..."

Oliver just smiled, "This is my city. I can't just leave it to die. Again."

Felicity touched Oliver's hand that was on her cheek. "You need to stop beating yourself up over that. It wasn't your fault. If this Amanda is this dangerous, we don't need her help," Felicity argued. "I won't worry that you'll be in danger, and you won't worry about me breaking a promise."

Oliver touched his forehead to hers. "You're remarkable, you know that, right?"

"Yes," the tips of her mouth twitched, "I do, but thanks for reminding me."


Oliver walked into the club, down the steps and into the 'Arrow Cave', or so Felicity called it. Diggle was there, on the phone to Amanda no less. He stopped on the last step, not knowing if the conversation was private or important. Something he should be hearing...

"Listen," Diggle started, "the man is the skull mask is going to make a move tonight. We can all feel it. There are going to be a ton of people there, a number of people that he can murder. Its the main course practically handed to him on a plate! We need your help to stop it."

Amanda was quiet on the other end. Oliver could hear her weighing her options.

"How will you identify this terrorist?" Amanda's cold voice rang through the phone. Her voice was almost worse than the terrorist himself.

Diggle was a little speechless, not knowing the answer. "Um..." his words slipped from his mouth not knowing what would follow.

His brow pulled together in frustration. He hadn't thought of that, yet. What? he thought, What can we do? Come on, think... He'll have to be noticeable somehow. But he'll be blended in enough to not get noticed... Well he can't - That's when the idea hit him.

"Hey?" he asked dumbstruck, "Amanda? Do you still have that thermal scanner?"

"Yes, Mr. Diggle, why exactly are you asking?" her tone was curious now instead of harsh and cold. Well, it was still harsh, but a not as harsh...

He turned and looked over at Oliver. Oliver stepped down from the stairs and went over to him to see what he was talking about, intrigued with the subject now too.

"Well," Diggle said feeling like he just broke the case, "he'll have to be nervous. He's about to take out a room full of people, how many people will be there? Hundred? When people are nervous... Well, they sweat. I mean, he should be sweating much more than a person that is nervous to dance, correct? So, if you see the person through the scanner, we should know it is him."

Diggle could hear the smiled in her voice, "Clever, Mr. Diggle."

"I'll take that as a compliment," he said. "When can you get here to give it to us?" he asked.

"Soon, this is important... Clever," she repeated, "Smart thinking."

"Thanks. See you soon," Diggle hung up the phone, waiting to hear what Oliver had to say.

"Not too shabby," Oliver said. Shabby? I've been around Felicity too much, her words are rubbing off on me. Oliver smiled just at the thought of her.

"Well, there is a compliment in there somewhere, man." Diggle smiles, knowing Oliver means well.

Oliver spent the rest of the time working with Diggle to plan out the rest of the steps to get this man in the Skull Mask. When Felicity's number showed up on Oliver's phone, he was ready for that distraction.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked picking up.

"Nothing... really. I was just calling to..." Felicity bit her lip on the other end, not sure how to ask such a simple question.

"What?" he asked sitting forward in his chair and putting his back to Diggle.

"I was calling to color coordinate?" she said it was like it was a question, like it was an okay thing to ask.

Oliver chuckled under his breath and nodded, then remembered he was on the phone. "It's black and white memorial. I'm just wearing a tux."

"One that you'll probably stop a war in," she said grinning.

"Maybe," he agreed. "I miss you," he let slip out without meaning to.

Felicity blushed, thankful that Oliver couldn't see, but he wasn't happy that he missed it. He loved it when her cheeks flushed red and she smiled a little too wide.

"I miss you too," she replied back truthfully.

"I'll pick you up tonight?"

"Be here around 6:30?" she stated, "That'll give us enough time to get there."

"I'll be there at six," he smiled, "more time with you."

Who knew Oliver Queen was such a romantic... Felicity thought.

"Six it is," Felicity hung up the phone walking out the door to go shopping for a dress and calling up Carly.

Last night she didn't find one that was fitting to her liking, so she decided she would look more today. Carly had made plans to go get her hair done and a manicure earlier today so that she could spend the day getting Felicity ready since she didn't know much about this.

Although Felicity hadn't gotten a dress yet, she had her eye on a certain number that was just within her price range. She pushed out her apartment door and toward her car where she would meet up with her one and only girl friend to go get a makeover.

She laughed at herself, she would have never guessed she would ever be doing something like this. Ever.

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now