Chapter 8

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8. Getting To Know You

Libra could not believe what she was doing right now, as she took a swig of her beer and grimaced at the taste. She liked wine but anything beyond that was not to her liking, at least not anymore. Prom night changed everything for her and since then she hadn't picked up another glass of alcohol, up until Jack offered her wine. Now, here she was sitting on an ottoman and having a beer with Dillon Holden – life was funny.

Their surroundings made it almost impossible to have a conversation and perhaps that was just as well because Libra had no idea what to say. Her head was slightly slumped down and she stared at her golden skin, smiling inwardly as it reminded her of her father. She looked more like him than her mother, who she suddenly missed terribly, and from any photo that she's seen of her father they even had the same birthmark on their right arm. She glanced at Dillon and wondered about his family life for a second. His parents were prominent figures in North Haven and well outside of it – all she knew was that they were rich and Dillon was spoiled because of it.

But tonight was not meant for judgment, at least not any more of it, so she forced the thought out of her head. As if Dillon had read her mind he suddenly turned his body toward her and leaned in slightly, to speak, her head fully perked and she prepared herself for his words.

"What are you studying here at Columbia College?" He asked with a struggling tone. It was awkward sitting here together because they didn't have much in common.

"Creative Writing," she answered quickly, "what about you?" she asked politely.

"I study Sports Management. I've always wanted to be an agent or involved with management on any level when it comes to soccer. You know Charlie, my friend, he went to North Haven High too and he goes to University over in England. I hope to move there soon someday."

Dillon was a lot more open that she'd thought. Maybe he is serious about proving himself, somehow. Libra reminded herself of Dr. Fine's words and also recalled her hard work on her vision board. If she truly wanted a change she had to be open to it, even if that meant being slightly pleasant to Dillon Holden. After all, nothing had been proven yet and he, just like his old high school crew, was innocent until proven guilty.

She remembered Charlie, Dillon's best friend, and she was impressed to hear that he had made it to university in England. There was a time when she wanted to leave the country and go to university over in Europe; England would have been her first choice, but unfortunately that never happened.

"Do you speak to Charlie often now that he's in England?" She asked. Dillon looked surprised to see her actually participating in the conversation but when his eyebrows shot up and a smile began forming at the corners of his mouth she knew he was pleased.

"I try to talk to him but with the time difference it isn't always easy," he explained and then went on to tell her about how Charlie liked England so far. "What about you though, why are you studying Creative Writing?"

Should I tell him? Libra hadn't spoken about the reason for liking writing to anyone but Dr. Fine and Sophia, she hadn't envisioned talking about this tonight and was slightly taken aback – but then the quote from the vision board appeared in her mind again. 'I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me'

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