Chapter 1

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A/n: Klance is kinda implied but not really

also if you're here past 2020 hows that regression to middle school interests as a result of the pandemic goin for ya? also this was written by an incredibly cringy 14-15 year old so be grateful I haven't deleted this out of embarrassment :) (im 17 now. the fact this is getting traction in 2021 baffles me but hey, no judgement)

Keith was on another mission for the Blade, it was a small one, just get the information, plant a few bombs, make the explosions look like accidents. Then, make his escape during the commotion. It was simple. 

It didn't stay simple for long. 

Keith's comm crackled to life in his ear, "Keith? Keith if you're hearing this, the mission is being called off. Haggar has been reported to be boarding the ship. I repeat, Haggar is on board."

Keith slid into an empty conference room on the ship, ready to reply to his superiors and question why their hit-and-run style mission would be terminated just because Haggar was here. After all, wouldn't it help for them to take out or injure the woman?

Preparing to respond, Keith looked down at a device strapped to his wrist, spinning a small dial to tune into the station mission control was on. To ensure he didn't give away his location by speaking, Keith looked up at the open doorway of the empty room, holding his breath and listening. 

His jaw set as he heard the unmistakable sounds of heavy footfalls right outside. Cursing to himself, he tapped his wrist, summoning a small 3-D map of the ship The heat sensors included indicated that two people were in the hallway directly outside. They were walking together, headed towards his pathetic excuse of a hiding place.

Guards on patrol most likely, he thought. Perhaps they'd found the bombs he'd been hiding around and had been ordered to do a sweep of the area. The teen slipped into the farthest corner of the room, doing his best to stay hidden behind some large storage boxes. He held his breath as the two people approached the room. He heard them stop right outside, and Keith stared so hard at the two red dots on his map that his eyes began to hurt. 

He wasn't worried per se, he could handle being found. He'd fought his way out of guards' clutches plenty of times. However, practice and past successes didn't quell the fear that came with every close call.  

The footsteps started up again, but they didn't get quieter like Keith had hoped. Instead, they grew louder. Closer. 

There was a crackling of a radio, and Keith didn't dare move.


Keith's eyes widened, and his head shot up, eyes locked on the boxes he was hidden behind. 

"We've found bombs hidden around. We can't stay here." A girl said. 


Voltron was here, his friends were here

"No, I think Lance was the only one to find any hostages. Hunk and I came up empty. There's like, no one on this side of the ship."

Hunk, Lance.

The thrumming of his heart was no longer from nerves, overwhelmed now with anticipation and a feeling of homesickness Keith hadn't felt for months. 

Unsure of how else he could possibly make himself known without causing panic, Keith slipped out of his hiding spot. As expected, Pidge shrieked, immediately pointing her bayard at him. She backed up against the wall. weapon trained on Keith, who was still wearing his Blade hood. With sights only on Pidge, Hunk had the element of surprise and tackled Keith, who didn't resist.

Don't Forget About Me (Previously, Keith Isn't Dead)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora