Chapter 3

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I finally made it over to my dads and immediately all the other wolves tried to get a scent off of me, but I knew that was impossible due to the fact that my powers muted my scent. I knew it was there, I just didn't know how to let it go.

"When you'd guys get here?" I asked rather bluntly after seeing my two oldest brothers Maximus and Aden.I purposely ignored my dad and the other wolves that seemed to be waiting for me to  address them.

"Nice to see you too Esme" said Aden who knew I hated to be called that. He ruffled my hair and  I growled softly and the others seemed to find it amusing. " Quite feisty. Where's her scent though?" asked one of the Betas, I think he was from the Redthorn pack.

"Where's your neck?"I asked. The guy wasn't ugly. He could've been around 6"4, with red hair and hazel eyes and a chin dimple. Could've been a model too,  the only downside being  that his neck was so short and his muscles were too big giving him the body of a troll. I guess he didn't like the  comment because as soon as it slipped out of my mouth he growled. But I was an alpha's daughter so that didn't affect me one bit.

"Jezebel where are your manners. He is a beta!" warned my dad. I rolled my eyes and said " Well I'm an alpha." Because what I said was true no one else dared to contradict me.

 I was about to say something else when I heard someone else' voice.

"Hey Jeze congratulations" said Maximus' Beta  Jax. "Jax" I squealed running to him and jumping to give him a hug.


I met Jax immediately after my exile. When I came back, New families had moved into the pack, Jax being one of them. It seems that he and my brothers had become best friends and Maximus had decided to make him his beta when he took over for dad as pack Alpha.

At first, I was a it a bit irritated with him because he'd tried hitting on me. But one day after one of the pack kids- I think  her name was Leyla- started calling me names, before I could even open my mouth to defend myself Jax was there. He told her to stop being such a bitch and to go fuck with someone else. I guess that Jax with his 6"7 frame, muscular build-big even for someone only twenty-one- and beta power already rolling off him in waves was enough to shut her up and intimidate her even if what he'd said wasn't really what I wanted to say.

Ever since that day, we'd become as close as I had to the twins, best friends regardless of the fact that he was my older brothers'.


He grabbed me effortlessley, grinning while wrapping his arms around me and giving my forehead a big kiss.

"I missed you kid. Jez what've you been eating" He said. I slapped his arm laughing. " When you'd get" back I asked. " Yesterday. Your brothers and I wrapped business with the the Devreaux pack early and we decided to stop by to surprise you." I scoffed because Maximus and Aden were so serious that you could take them to the circus to see clowns and they still woudn't crack a smile. So today I was lucky to even see them here, much less joking round and teasing me like my other brothers were doing.

"Ehem" someone said poking me. I turned to see Maximus and launched myself into his arms giggling. " Hey there loser, glad to see your in a good mood today. I'm surprised that so is Aden." I joked. His lips tilted to the side.  Even if over the years we'd grown apart, I was still his baby sister and he my big brother. So naturally, I got treated as such.

He swung me around, flashing everyone within a fifty-mile radius with a view of my pink underwear. He knew what he was doing because he started to laugh when the other wolves' eyes began to turn black with lust. " We brought you something Jeze" he said handing me a present. Immediately I got giddy because I loved presents. Just getting one made me anxious with anticipation. " But you're not getting it till we get home for your party."

" Speaking of," interrupted my dad, " Jezebel I'd like you to meet some of these wolves. They're very important and are interested in getting to know you better. Tonight at your party" he said, the meaning clear in his eyes.

"Did you, did you actually remember my birthday today daddy?" I said being sarcastic. His eyes glinted with anger and embarrassment knowing fully well that he didn't. " Watch your tone Jezebel, I'm still your alpha." I snorted turning to the other wolves who seemed shocked beyond words, some even amused. " I'll see you tonight. Hmm I wonder which one of you will be the lucky guy to unlock all of my secrets." I winked at them. Knowing fully well who my real mate was and that only around him would I be able to let my scent free. Of Course I had no idea how. With that I walked towards Jax and towards my four brothers who were all bellowing loudly at the now really shocked expressions of the other wolves.

It was October 19th. Not Your average day for a graduation, but it was postponed because the schools dean had a heart attack and because he was very loved (I don't know how so don't ask) the school decided to to move the date to october. Didn't make sense but because I was still getting my degree, and finished all of my classes I didn't really pay mind to it.

"What do you want to do today sis?" asked Maximus. "Maybe she wants to rent a hotel room for her and Jax" joked Rio. It was no secret to anyone that Jax had a big crush on me. I blushed and mumbled to Aden who was closest to him to give him a wedgie. Which he did, ripping Rio's underwear in the process. I laughed.

" Well I want to go shopping for my "Party" outfit" I said smiling because I knew they all hated when I went shopping. As if on cue, they all groaned in unison.

"Hey you asked and I answered" I said. "Couldn't you order something online or something?" Jax said. " Or couldn't you be a normal sister and just take us to a strip club?" said Ciaro. " Or a bar" finished off Maximus for him. Which earned him a slap in the head from me.

"Nope", I said popping the "p" sound. "Besides one, the strip clubs gross,two it's too early for the bar" and three ordering online desn't guarentee the perfect fit and wuld take a while to deliver, no matter how urgent the product is and tonight I want to look perfect". With that we headed off to our cars.

"Hey" said Maximus seriously. " Im sorry Jeze but we can't go with you. Dad needs us right now." Aden and Jax now looking realy serious nodding their heads.

"Ofcourse he does," I said sullenly. "Hey" said Jax softly putting an arm around my shoulder. "Don't do that. It's your day today. Your the birthday girl and we'll see you later on anyways." " Yea, by the way Happy birthday Esme" said Aden ruffling up my hair and kissing my cheek. Though he decided not to be my brothers beta years ago, he still carried the waves of an alpha being the son of one and all. At this moment though he just looked like the big brother I knew before our age differences and my powers began to distance us.

Hugging me tightly, Maximus whispered in my ear " Happy Birthday Jezebel, mom would've been proud of you." With that all three of them walked away leaving me,Ciaro and Rio alone in the parking lot.

"Dibs on the front seat" yelled Rio. " Hey no fair" yelled Ciaro. " Where's your car?" I asked. "We ran" they both yelled while tumbling to the ground to get to the car causing other families to stare. I uttered a curse and tugged them by the hair. " Both of you to the back" I said. " But-" I cut Ciaro off annoyed. "But nothing or you can both walk." "Fine" they huffed. I smiled to myself. They could be such kids at times. Let me rephrase, they ARE   kids all the time.

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