chapter 6

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Well Jeze, I must say you've really grown up. Into quite a woman might I add..." said Jace looking me up and down.

Ignoring his blatant staring I began questioning him.

" Jace, Jace is that really you? How and why the hell are you here?!"

To say I was shocked was more than an understanding.

I could not believe that my mates brother was here. If he was here than that meant that my mate couldn't be far. Before he could respond to my previous questions, I launched into another set of questions.

"Is Avian here too? Did he -"

I was cut off by Jaces deep voice.

"Woah there girly slow your horses. To answer your question Avian isn't here." He said much to my disappointment.

I must've appeared as crestfallen as I felt because he chuckled and continued to talk.

"But you will see him,and very soon might I add." he added smirking as if he knew something I didn't.

The comment left me a bit perplexed. Ignoring the sensation at the back of my mind that something was wrong I chose to focus on the hard pitter patter of my heart at the idea of seeing Avian again after all this time.

Ok so if Avians not here then...Why are you?" I questioned.

I looked around noted that I was no longer as close to the pack as I was before Jace started talking to me. When I began retreating back to the middle of the woods I have no clue.

Jace looked behind me and tilted his head to the side.

That's when everything happened in slow motion. A pair of big burly were wrapped around me from behind and Jace began yelling as more men began emerging from the woods.

"Quick is the car ready!? We have to leave before the other packs realize that the attack is just a distraction from our real goal".
"Don't just stand there morons tie her up! I don't know if shes able to shift or if shes still the same defective wolf as before." he said.

All the men began shifting.

" What do you mean you don't know Beta!" said my captor.

"Damnit Tyler, I don't remember just do as I say or you wont like what happens!" Jace commanded.

" Get the fuck off of me! I'm not defective you dick!" I yelled . I began clawing the eyes of the guy holding me and kicking at everyone within my reach.
My years of training kicked in and I jumped, down leaning my body weight forward and catching my captor off guard.

Throwing him off me I began to run evading anyone and everyone knowing that if i slowed down, or even as much as looked back, I'd break my concentration and I'd get caught again. I couldn't even shift because that would be wasting precious time.

Faster and faster I ran trying to get back to the houses where my pack and the others were fighting. From the distance I heard the paws and growls of many fighting eachother and the sound of thumping paws and growls behind me getting closer and closer.

"Dad, Rio, Maximus" I screamed out loud and mindlinked them. When i heard no response I pushed myself to run faster.

I reached the field to find total and utter chaos. Bodies lay on the ground, some in wolf and some in human form from both enemy and guest packs. I ran around frantically avoiding being hit well aware that my captors had already found me.

I turned around when I heard the voice of my brother Rio yelling at me.


I turned to run again when my brother was suddenly tackled from behind by a golden wolf and a red wolf.

"RIO I'M COMING!" I yelled afraid. I was not going to leave my brother to fight two wolves alone with no back up.
I took a hold of a big branch and swung at the nearest wolf , who was slightly smaller than the golden wolf , hearing a satisfying crunching sound and a whine come out of the wolf. Must've been the female one.

I was getting ready to shift since the golden wolf was incapacitated and the other was busy fighting off Rio.

Before I could even lower myself to begin my shift, I was knocked to the ground by a big grey wolf, catching me off guard. He began clawing at me and all I could feel was my chest,arms and stomach being ripped open. I tried fighting him off but because he caught me off guard, fighting him was hard.

The grey wolf was knocked off of me, but not before the damage had already been done.

Everyone stopped fighting to stare at what was going on and I looked around while on the ground to see that I was bleeding rapidly. I was dying, I just knew it in my heart and I couldn't believe it. I never got to become a writer, never earned my fathers approval, never even got to find out more about my powers and nor was I ever going to see Avian again.

The grey wolf was torn to shreds by a big brown wolf who it was I dont know, though its eye lids and face looked a bit red and bloody.

"Jezebel! Get away from my daughter Jace!" yelled my father.

"I'm just collecting a package for the boss man. And what the boss man wants the boss man gets" said Jace casually strolling over to me naked.

"Didn't you learn your lesson yet pup! I couldve sworn you did all those years ago" my dad growled.

"I guess I haven't you old bastard"said Jace now angry. He picked me up by my neck and all I could do was just whimper and hang there limply. My body hurt too much.

Slowly Jace and his pack members began retreating.

" You know what we want ALPHA" sneered Jace.

"Let go of her your killing her you ass hole!" yelled my brother Maximus looking a little bruised and very angry.

"Sorry, no can do bosses orders. And besides shes a fucking wolf for gods sake she'll heal in a bit." said Jace

"She isn't normal and you know it. She doesn't heal like us" said my brother Aden on the verge of shifting.

"Stand down Aden! Cairo hold him! If he kills her out of his own stupidity his Boss Man won't be too happy" said my dad looking relaxed all of a sudden.

My breathing grew shallower and my eyes began closing.

"Shit Jace it's true! Her heart rates slower and she won't stop bleeding" said one of his pack mates.

"See you soon Blackrose. If I catch any of your wolves behind us I snap her neck!" said Jace grinning madly as he began jogging backwards. Soon he gathered me in his arms and began racing to where I assume he left his car.

"Fuck if she dies he's going to kill us. You 6 ride behind me the rest of you shift and ensure that we are not followed!"

"Yes Beta!"

"Stay awake Jeze, your in for a long ride".

The last thing I saw before i lost consciousness was the bright moon in the middle of the sky, shining on me mockingly

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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