The molded

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A loud clang violated the silence as the pipes swooped to the other side of the ceiling.

Panting, your heart thumped painfully fast in your chest but god, you thought it almost detached itself when a loud, mechanical cackle screeched from the dark corners behind you.

You screamed in shock and instantly spun around, getting up in the process - the aching in your legs burned but you barely noticed it as you stared at the clown.

It had sprung to life, eyes red and glaring into yours with such a hatred - you didn't think was even possible with robots.
It was still laughing.
The sound was getting under your skin, and burying deeper.

"Fuck.. Fuck this place."

Gasping for much needed air, you looked to the entrance, half expecting the pipes to swing back down.

1 minute. Then 2. Then 3.
But they never did.

You took in a deep breath and screamed an involuntary battle cry as you ran through the door and emerged the other side, instantly collapsing to your knees beside a huge, green box.

The throbbing ache was worse now and you cringed, feeling patches of blood grow wetter as it began to seep through the ruined fabric of your trousers again.

You panted, your chest tightening and that was beginning to hurt as well.
But you laughed. It was a bitter sound but it brought some joy to you at least.

You sat up on your knees leaning back slightly, a smile still playing on your lips.


It took more than a few moments to regain your breath and steady your shaking hands but by the time you'd done just that, the clown had stopped laughing too.
What another relief, you thought.

Bringing yourself carefully to your feet, you winced a little but quickly looked at the storage box which had fully grabbed your attention.

"Guns. Please be guns."

Wishing as hard as you could, you opened it and there, inside, lay only one thing.
Furrowing your eyebrows in complete and utter disappointment, you reached your arm in and pulled it out.

"A camera?.."
Your voice was barely above a whisper though it held such contempt and disbelief.

You weren't even a little surprised by the absence of weapons though that didn't stop the pangs of pain in your chest like you'd just been punched there. A dead man can still dream, right? Maybe?..

Still, you pondered, staring down blankly at the camera, shifting uncomfortably and glancing around for any signs of your kidnapper.

Just as your fingers brushed against the on button, a piercing scream from a few rooms over made you jump and almost drop the camera.
Luckily you'd caught it seconds before it hit the floor, your hands instinctively gripping it tighter.

"What the fuck?!"
You almost tripped as you backed away quickly and crouched for cover behind some boxes with white sheets over them.

But what made your heart sink was the loud, echoing footsteps making haste towards you followed by the gross gurgles of some unholy creature.
Please don't find me, please don't find me.

You were frozen in fear and you swore any moment now, you'd see your life flash before your eyes but you blinked away those thoughts along with the tears.

Imaginary bugs crawled all over your skin, leaving trails of goosebumps behind but just like that, as if someone had flipped a switch, the noises stopped and the room was once again, plunged into silence.

The only sounds now were the soft wheezes of your uneven breathing, your eyes wide and terrified.

1 minute. Then 2. Then 3.
But nothing happened.

You'd almost convinced yourself whatever that thing was had now gone.
Almost. Because when you'd gathered enough courage to move from your hiding spot, lumps of sticky black-ish goo landed on your shoulder.

Whatever it was started to dribble down the rest of your shirt as you moved out of the way less than a millisecond later, screaming in surprise you looked up at the ceiling fast.

Occupying the space was nothing short of horrific though it wasn't what you'd feared it'd been..

A thickening gelatinous substance oozed from the space above, clumps of it melded together by gooey strips of god knows what; forming into a disgusting mess that pointed downwards like icicles in winter.

Staring, you'd mentally kicked yourself for screaming over this and you'd of mentally done a lot more if it weren't for the fact some crazy thing was nearby.

You turned on your heels to get the hell out of there but stopped dead in your tracks.
There in front of you, crouched in the doorway, was a four legged creature made of what looked like the same substance as the one dripping from the ceiling.

Its bones crunched and crackled as it tilted its head around in quick movements.
And it screamed.

((A/N: Hi! I'm really sorry for the late updates - I haven't written a story like this in a while and titles / pacing aren't my strong suit but regardless, I hope you like this story so far! :)
Don't forget to vote if you do. Thank you for reading <3 ))

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