08| Change The World

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Like a light blinking on and off, Lelia saw the the next few hours in a serious of snapshots.

She heard voices, concerned and angry. She tried to speak but even the slightest movements made her intestines curl with agony. Everything was so quick, everything was so painful. She was scared, not having control of her body.

Lelia tried her hardest to fight against whatever fatigue had settled into her body, but to no avail. Every time she attempted to move, she would pass out.

Yet through it all, one thing kept her from spiraling into panic. And that was Peter's voice. Clear and comforting, his touch lingering inches away.

So when she woke up in an unfamiliar room, one that did not resemble a hospital, fear settled in with a twinge. She slowly rose from the white sheets and coughed. A terrible, hoarse and ear grinding sound, one that she wouldn't of thought possible.

Her whole body shook.

"Well, that didn't sound very good." A stranger's voice emitted from the side of the room. But oddly, one that she had heard before.

"W-who's there?" Lelia spoke steadily, after she managed to stop shaking. She couldn't turn her head, due to the stiffness of her neck. All her energy had been drained from just sitting up.

She closed her eyes, vision still blurred. She was fighting against the impulse to lay back down and fall asleep.

"You don't need to worry, kid." The voice assured. He did not sound annoyed, but patient. "You're in good hands."

"Where's Peter?" She demanded, afraid to open her eyes without seeing him first. Lelia's biggest fear was being captured and forced to use her powers. She couldn't handle it, or else she would feel like she was feeling now. Perhaps her nightmare had already become a reality.

"He's here." The man said calmly. "Do you want me to get him?"

"Please—" Her words caught in her throat. Why did she want to see him so badly? She could not remember what happened. Lelia racked her brain for any sort of traumatic memory, but all she could remember was passing out while on a mission with Peter.

The man left the room and Lelia fell back against the bed. She pressed a button on the armrest and reclined herself upright. Strange how there was a bed and IV but no doctors or nurses. What the hell was going on? The room she was in was far too big and grand to be a hospital.

Well, I have to be safe if Peter is here. Lelia relaxed slightly.

The door opened a few seconds later and Peter entered. He came into her view, immediately sitting down beside her. "God Lelia—" he rushed. "Im so sorry."

He was dressed in normal clothes, for once. The first time she had seen him without his suit. He was groomed, and taken care of. He looked handsome and virtuous. A contrast of what she was used to. Lelia was used to his brave and mysterious side. She was used to Spider-Man. But staring at the real Peter, the one who was worried for her, was a shock. She would have fussed about her appearance given any other situation, but right now, she was dazed and confused. All she could think about was reliving the stress building up inside of her.

"What happened, Peter?" She asked, growing frantic. "Where are we?"

His face darkened. All of a sudden, he seemed more cautious of his words. "You're okay, that's all that matters. You really scared me for a second." It was evident that he hadn't gotten much sleep. His eyebrows were slanted in a permanent look of distress.

"Tell me what happened." She urged.

The boy she had grown incredibly fond of, took her hand and squeezed it.

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