07| Nothing I've Ever Known

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Potholes littered the road that stretched out in front of them.

The scene was just like every other night, except Lelia had a companion. She felt safer with Peter by her side.

"Does your suit know their location?" She asked as they turned down another nameless street. Words between the heroes had been scarce, but Lelia did not mind. She knew hunting down criminals wasn't the best way to get to know one another.

"Yeah." He affirmed quietly, making sure Lelia was lingering a safe distance behind him. "Just up ahead. I can hear them."

"You can?" She gasped. "What are they saying?"

Peter didn't answer. His side of the conversation had been quiet. Lelia knew it was because he didn't want her to tag along.

She took his silence to heart, and decided to stop asking questions. She needed to stop acting excited to walk alongside him. Even if she truly was.

Peter was hearing things he would rather not relay. He needed to focus on whatever was about to happen.

So, Lelia followed him silently. The pair rounded the exact house where Peter's lead claimed the Thorns were camping out.

There was only one visible light, remitting from the front bedroom. The tranquility of their situation did not sit right with Lelia.

The skeptical girl absorbed her surroundings. It was nothing new. An average, run down, ghetto hideout. The front porch was missing, replaced with poorly built wooden steps. The chain link fence had holes, trash littered the yard.

"I don't like this." She whispered. Something was off. The girl wanted to say more, but it was not her place.

Peter felt it too. His senses were tingling, almost out of control, but he couldn't pinpoint the reason why. It was something in the air.

But there was no reason to worry. Peter had never lost a scuffle with a Thorn member. Perhaps he was feeling too secure in the thought that he had put most of them in prison himself.

That confidence clouded his judgement. Because in reality, the most dangerous member had escaped. And he was leaning against the front door, watching them.

Lelia knew none of this, of course. She was following him blindly into a dangerous altercation. But she was young, and ambitious. What girl wouldn't want to watch Spider-Man in action? Especially since she could give him something in return.

That's what Lelia tried to tell herself. But that was before she took one look at the house. All Lelia could hear was the sound of her own breathing. Sharp and shallow. Maybe she was not cut out for combat.

So many thoughts were racing through her mind, that the girl failed to notice the sounds of rummaging that emitted from the home. It was quiet and suppressed, but it was noticeable.

Peter and Lelia scrambled to the front of the house. The hair on the back of Peter's neck shot up. Someone was watching him, possibly more. He lingered behind the chain link fence.

"So Peter..." Lelia whispered just loud enough for him to hear. "What's your plan?"

Admittedly, there was not one. All Peter had been doing the last couple of weeks, was rounding up gang members. He had done it so many times now, that he felt like he perfected it.

That was why he ran into this mission headfirst, without a game plan.

But he wasn't going to tell her that. Until he heard the front door unlock.

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