"I'm placing a magic card facedown and a monster in defense mode!" said Yugi as he played his cards. "Now, let's see what you got!"

"You'll regret those words, little Yugi," said the blond man. His voice sounded off and the look on his face was dead. "You may have gotten this far but my patience is growing thin. It's time to end this duel and claim the power that is mine."

"You'll never get my Millennium Puzzle!"

"Guess again! Tribute to the Doomed," said the strange man as he showed Yugi his card.

"That man feels off," whispered Lilly to herself as the two discussed the card. Bakura looked at her.

'It seems she can sense that something is off,' thought the spirit to himself with a smirk as he looked back at the duel.

"Better think again," said Yugi as he showed his magic card.

"It can't be!" said the man in shock.

"It is! The Living Arrow, which takes any magic attack aimed at me and fires it right back at you."

"No, Zera!"

'Fascinating. It appears the shadow magic energies I detect are within Yugi's opponent. Bandit Keith is just a puppet under the control of an evil master. Well, this puppet show is over, for I alone will possess the Millennium Puzzle,' thought Bakura as he glared at Yugi's opponent and backed away from Lilly as to not draw her attention to what he was about to do. His Millennium Ring started to glow. "Ring, sever the stings that bind this man. Free his mind from the Shadow Realm."

"Hu, where am I and what on earth am I wearing?" said the man as he looked around confused.

"Why does he sound so confused?" asked Lilly with a tilted head.

"It looks like your so-called unbeatable Zera the Mant card is ancient history. Now, it's time for me to win this duel once and for all and take back my Millennium Puzzle!" declared Yugi, causing Bandit Keith to look at him in shock.

"Yugi Muto? What are you doing here? Ahh!" said the man, only to start screaming in pain.

"Bandit Keith, you're back!"

"There's someone inside my head!" called Keith in fear as he held onto his head. "Shut up and duel!"

"What's going on?" asked Lilly in fear as she watched Keith freak out.

"I don't know," said a concerned looking Ryou as he stood next to his friend.

"Go away!" yelled Keith as he grabbed his head harder, seeming to pull hair out of his head.

"Bandit Keith, who is it that's trying to control your mind?" asked Yugi.

"No! Stop! Leave me alone! Ahhh!" yelled Keith, only to stop and look down with that dead look in his eyes. "I'm back!"

"What?" said Lilly in shock as they watched the man jump down from the podium and run toward where the Millennium Puzzle was nailed to the podium that Yugi was on.

"Before I lose complete control, I've got to destroy it. If I can't have this Puzzle, no one can!" said Keith as he grabbed the Puzzle.

"No! Keith, wait! Don't!" yelled Yugi in shock as he watched Keith destroy the puzzle. "My Puzzle! NO!"

"No!" said Lilly in shock.

"That's quite enough of that," called out Ryou as he jumped down from the plat form and knocked down Keith. Lilly then followed close behind them.

"Where did you two come from?" asked Yugi.

"Hi Yugi. Tea told us what happened, so we came as soon as we herd," said Ryou. With that, the three started to collect the pieces of the puzzle.

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