a curse for a fool

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fantasy au // marriage ♡

"You're looking as delectable as always chibi-chan~"


Before Oikawa accidentally said that to a stranger he had been pining over for months now, let's go back to how it all began when he had made it into an abandoned-looking building. One with vines growing up the sides of the pale, discoloured bricks that held up the orange, tiled roof when he heard the scuttles of what he guessed were rats and mice in the ceilings. He had neared the building, ignoring the laughter and snickers that had been behind him ever since stubbornly agreeing to this wild test of courage.

The door creaked open against his hand, sliding easily and yet with friction as dust and debris had collected under the door. The inside was worse than the eerie external appearance. The overgrown grass and weeds aided in making this a place to show your bravery - the kids who could reach the building and look inside were deemed among the toughest in their cliques - and Oikawa knew better than to let his small nephew best him in this type of test in front of his friends.

And hence why he was stubbornly stepping inside even when Matsukawa had dared him to look inside and stay there for ten seconds. Hanamaki laughed, only to refute that there was no way Oikawa could stay there for even five seconds but he could do it, he'd show them. He'd go in there and even make himself a fucking cup of tea if he wanted to.

He didn't - just to be clear - and he ignored the cobwebs, choosing only to focus on the sights he saw in front of him where he noticed the fireplace that had been trashed with large pieces of broken stone and burned wood. To his right, he swore a shadow had been standing by the corner but once he narrowed his eyes, he could see the pot plant decaying and wilted in the small cottage-like building that had been abandoned and away from civilisation for centuries - going by the rumours - and he looked down to avoid stepping on the sticks and rocks below him so he wouldn't fall, only to flinch and yelp at the sight of the corpse of a strangely large rat.

Like, it was huge and seriously misshaped and Oikawa grimaced, looking away immediately to find something other than the wretched smell of something rotting out of his nose though he'd probably leave with the smell cursed on his beautiful body for days after he left.

He hadn't heard his friends, maybe they had left him - he paused - no, they wouldn't be that mean.. - he continued again. He made it to the other side of the single room building, it had a high ceiling with huge wooden beams crossing the entire roof for support - Oikawa didn't even wait to think about what kinds of creepy crawlies would be up there and he turned to see the bookshelf just as-



Oikawa's head snapped around in a flash, almost managing to give himself whiplash when he was suddenly covered and surrounded by darkness, darkness that made the shadows in the room from the limited amount of natural light from the windows coming alive to looks like disfigured and mutilated bodies of elves or trolls that had come to poison him, torture him and kill him for trespassing into their home.

He was frozen, blood having turned cold and frozen in his veins and his heart thumped so fast that he paid no mind to the sweat forming on his forehead because holy fuck he was going to die here and he raced to the door, almost tripping as he dodged the table; the dirty table with fungus and mould, and he crashed his closed fist into the wood eagerly but when another thump sounded on the other side, he screamed again,

"Oikawa, it's me - Iwaizumi! What's happening?"

Hanamaki yelled right after him, "Oi Oikawa, open the door!"

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