falling slowly and all at once

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♡ family/pets // fake dating au

When Hinata walked to the city with Oikawa holding his hand, fingers entwined affectionately, he didn't pay attention to the thumping of his heart when all he could focus on was getting to see the sight of Kageyama's look of defeat. He didn't think about how his palms were sweating nor did he somehow manage to notice the way his cheeks flushed with heat because of the boy by his side.

He simply lead the third-year by the hand, almost skipping to get to their location where Kageyama was waiting to see the result of their bet. And it was good, Hinata had won and he felt giddy, he was ahead of Kageyama now as their scores were 53-52 in Hinata's favour. And it felt great because he could rub it in the younger setters face all he wanted.

So, he managed to ignore the looks that the pair received and he couldn't help thinking it was even better because of Oikawa's reason for agreeing to the deal. It was perfect, killing two birds with one stone and the two were content.

But, without Oikawa knowing, Hinata also used these moments to show off his fake boyfriend, showing all the girls and guy he walked by in the city that he had managed to snag someone as hot as Oikawa. And it was crazy because just a week ago; a few days after they sealed the deal, Oikawa had gotten asked to be a model for a teen magazine on the street. Even if Oikawa loved the look of immense awe on his fake boyfriends face, he had to turn it down because he just wanted to spend time with his fake boyfriend.

And he shouldn't have felt that way but he did.

Skip to a week later, Oikawa was conflicted between wanting to tell Hinata about these fleeting feelings of affection he held towards the smaller boy or keeping them to himself because of the deal.

"Eh? what does she want with captain?"

"Dumbass Hinata, she confessing to him, obviously!"

Kageyama glared at Hinata as if he was stupid (which he was) and Hinata flinched, blushing at the sight because he didn't know whether to keep watching or to give them privacy - he really wanted to keep watching (so he did) and Sugawara approached them to see what the commotion was about,

"Su-Sugawara-senpai!?" Flailing his arms, to block Sugawara's vision from the sight of Daichi being confessed to, he tried to divert the ashen-haired boys' attention and Kageyama stood by with an odd look on his face, "Hinata-kun.. what are you doing?"

"E-Ehh, w-well..."

"Daichi-senpai is being confessed to." Kageyama had no sense of awareness and Hinata looked up at him in shock, his light-brown eyes wide and darting from his senpai and to his partner, "Eh?"

Hinata whisper-shouted, "Bakayama, why would you say that?!" And Kageyama pouted harshly at the sound of being reprimanded by a dumbass like him, "Oi, watch how you talk to me, idiot, dumbass Hinata!"

"Uh, guys..."

"Oi, don't say idiot if you're going to call me a dumbass too!"

"I'll call you what I want, dumbass Hinata, idiot, stupid Hinata!"


"Oh yeah! Well, I bet that language will never get you a girlfriend, Kageyama! No friends, forget that, you won't even be able to get a girlfriend!"

The raven-haired setter sputtered, "Girlfriend!? Who says I want a girlfriend? I bet you can't get one either, you're too stupid!"

"Haah~?!" Hinata neared him, their noses almost touching as Hinata got on his tiptoes, "Of course I can, I have one right now!"

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