5 Seconds of Being A Big Boy

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requested by candy2612

 5sos with baby luke who wants to wear big boy undies but wets them and major fluff

luke-2 headspace




WOO 5SOS FUCK YEAH if you are one of those people who despise 5sos because one direction fans love them please leave thanks.


Calum heard the cries of his little baby from the moniter he had sitting beside him on the couch. He knew Luke was up only because he had wet his diaper. The boys felt like it was time for Luke to be a big boy and wear some big boy undies. They once tried before to convince him, but it resulted in Luke throwing off the boxers and running around naked for an hour.

Calum got up and opened the door to see luke sitting up in his adult sized crib, hugging his stuffed penguin and sobbing his eyes out. "Aw buddy,.its okay dada will change you," Calum said, as he picked up his baby. Luke wrapped his arms around him and they stood their hugging for a while, until Luke started to whimper because Calum was pressing against the ever-growing rash. Calum laid him down, removed the diaper, cleaned him up and replaced it with a clean one. He said Luke up, rubbing his back when the boy silently cried from exhaustion. He called for the others and waited and watched as the walked in and surrounded them. 

"Lukey, daddies feel like its time you wear big boy undies" Michael said, rubbing his back. Luke began to wail and shook his hand, hands gripping onto the sides of his diaper. "Dont you wanna be a big boy babe?" Ashton asked. "No big boy, daddies baby" They all aw'ed at the words Luke had sobbed out. "No worries baby, you'll always be daddies baby, but dont you want to be free of this bulky diaper?" Ashton said. Luke nodded his head while he rubbed his eyes. Calum changed him again and put him in some penguin underwear. They laid him back in the crib and watched over him. "You think you can do this Lukey? No peepee in the underwear okay?" Luke nodded, yelling he was a big boy now and they all laughed, switched the lights off and went about their day.

Only to be interuppted two hours later by a sobbing Luke. They all ran in the room and the smell of urine hit their noses. They looked to see Luke, sobbing and shaking, his whole body hald soaked. Michael went over and picked him up, carrying him into the bathroom for a bath, cuddling him close and whispering words of comfort. Ashton removed the dirty sheets and brought them to the laundry room for cleaning. Calum grabbed the diapers and walked into the bathroom, seeing Luke sitting in Michael's lap, his head on his chest, while Michael was on the floor, rubbing his back and kissing his hair. Calum sat down in front of them, telling Luke they were sorry for forcing him and next time they would potty train him before they tried underwear again. "So no big boy." Luke said, eyes wide and lips formed in a trembling pout. "No baby you're still our big boy," Michael said, kissing his head.

They brought him back into his nursery, seeing Ashton changing the sheets. "papa, me want you" Luke sighed out. Ashton held him close and led the others to the living room. They all sat down and watched Happy Feet, loving the sound of their baby luke laughing. When the movie was over and a random station was put on, Luke climbed out of Calum's grip and sat in between them. "Daddy, Dada, Papa" Luke said, the boys all responding with 'yes baby boy' "Me love you" They all squealed (ooo so punk rock) wrapping their arms around him, giving kisses and cuddles galore. They loved their baby Luke and were happy the big boy underwear didnt work, cause although Luke was a grown adult, they didnt want their little man to grow up.


HI GUYS sorry this is short but i wanted to talk about MY ADVERNTURE I DID YESTERDAY. So my parents, my cousin and I went to New York last night around 11pm and waiting on a 5 block line all night for 5sos. Guys when i say there were thousands i legit mean thousands. Ten blocks were filled behind us, At 4am, everyone started running because they were letting some people in (aka people with fan passes). We were legit in a mob and hundreds of us were stuck on 49th street. We could see the stage but the cops would not let us through. So we waited in a huge pack from 5am to 7am, pushing and shoving. Then at one point we all ran and someone short stopped and legit ripped my toenail off LOL SORRY and then i started having a panic attack because it was so hot and crowded so i threw up a little LOL so i said i wanted go home so we got out of line and met my dad and snuck through the barricades. But him being a firefighter who was at the whole 9/11 thing my dad got me through. We were behind the stage and I had such a freaking clear view of them. They waved to us a bunch of times, Ashton blew kisses at us AND MICHAEL FREAKING WAVED AT US I SAW MY EVERYTHING UP CLOSE. Dudes it was absolutely crazy and it was so worth the 12 hours i stayed outside and the 24 hours of sleep i did not get. I will never forget it and anyone who says 5sos dont care about their fans is a bullshitter because they made sure to see us behind the stage and you could tell they were overwhelmed with love. SORRY THIS IS SHORT AND MY STORY IS LONG BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I WANTED TO SHARE BYE (oh yeah happy 4 years one direction)(and larry)

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