Sick So I Stick

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: otp_jaspar

requested by: niallismycrazymofoxx

delete-sick baby niall in headspace of 1 and he's really clingy so the boys look after him







Zayn awoke to the sounds of someone being sick through the baby moniter, then hearing loud, terrifying sobs leak through. Zayn cut off the audio before his boyfriends woke up, and ran into his baby's room. Last night, Niall ate everything but the kitchen sink. They were at a celebration party for finishing the first half of their tour and when Niall wasn't in his headspace, no amounts of stern looks could stay the boy from his destruction of eating.

Zayn walked in the rancid smell of throw up, a messy diaper, and urine hit his nose. He pulled his shirt over his nose, silently thanking god that Louis hadn't came to check it out cause he was not in the mood for the drama show he would have put on. Zayn snapped out of his praying to the sounds of his crying baby boy. Niall's arms were outstreched, soft whimpers of 'daddy' coming from his mouth. Zayn knew when Niall got sick, or even tired, he would cling, to anyone or even anything for that matter. Zayn walked over and took downt he bars of the crib, lifting the awaiting Niall into his arms. He was met with a huge cry and tight arms wrapping around his leg. Zayn rubbed his back as the boy cried, the thought of being sick always made him upset. He began to set Niall down on the changing table, but stopped when all i brought was screams and no's. "Baby boy, daddy has to change you, you dont wanna be icky during our cuddles do you?" Niall shook his head and layed back on the table. Zayn took of his diaper and tried not to gag at the mess his little one made. He quickly wrapped everything nicely and dressed the boy in only a t-shirt and his diaper. Brining him downstairs, noting the tight legs around his waist, he saw his boyfriends and other daddies in the kitchen.

"Dede, me want dede daddy" Niall had his arms out for Harry, beginnning to tear up because he wasnt in his arms already. Harry looked confused but took the boy nontheless, realizing what was wrong when he saw the look on Zayn's face. "Aw does my little moneky have a stomach ache?" Niall nodded and hugged Harry tight, whimpering into his neck. "Do you want yummy's pumpkin, or do you want milk?" Louis asked, one arm wrapped around Harry's waist and one brushing the hair from Niall's forehead. Niall shook his head at the thought of food and mumbled "milky dada" Zayn made the bottle for him, adding a tiny bit of vanilla to calm the poor boy. Niall had grown uncomfortable in Harry's arms and reached out for Lou. Louis took him, carrying him bridal styles to the couch, laying him down the same way in his lap. Zayn handed him the warm bottle, sitting down next to Liam and Harry, watching a random tv show.

Louis held the bottle for Niall, watching him as he attached to the rubber nipple and sucked away at the milk. "Slow down baby, you dont wanna be sick again right?" Niall's pace decreased and Liam rubbed Niall's belly from next to him. By the time the bottle was finished, Niall was half alseep, mouth still in an open pout. "Papa, me want you pwease." Liam smiled, glad his baby finally wanted to cuddle with him. He picked him up gently, patting his back as he headed upstairs, He put him in an oversized pair of his sweatpants, laying down before laying NIall down ontop of him. Niall held on to Liam's shirt and slowing fell asleep the the sounds and vibrations of Liam humming. The other boys came in and laid down with them, all going to sleep and happy that Niall;s sickness was out of his system.


WOO ANOTHER ONE, sorry i didnt post all in one day but i am having major writer's block. REQUEST MORE AND I LOVE YOU ALL OKAY BYE

One Direction Age Playजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें