Taking My Daddy Away

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louis- daddy

Harry-2 headspace

Zayn- papa

Niall- 5 headspace

*kinda wanna make this book just larry based but idk I need feedback


Today, little Niall and his age play daddy Zayn we're coming over for a play date. All the boys of one direction were involved in age. They were currently on a break from the tour and they were finally in the comfort of their home and the comfor of their headspaces.

Louis was drying Harry off after his bath and set him on the counter. "Now baby, you're gonna play nice today right sweetheart?" Harry nodded, exctied to see his best friend. They quickly got dressed, just in time for the doorbell to ring. Harry started to run, but stopped short with his daddy's yells and the fact he could not master those scary, declining death traps. They got to the door, only for Harry to be tackled by Niall.

Harry, being only tiny in his headspace, did not understand this and was whimpering with the sounds of his daddy's name. Liam laughed and pried Niall off. "You gotta be careful bud, you're a lot bigger than haz." Niall kissed Harry's cheek in apology. Niall pushed him off though as soon as he saw Louis and ran straight into his arms, hugging him tightly and sloppily kissing his face. Harry pouted and winced in annoyance when Liam hugged him.

Saying Harry was protective was an understatement. Harry was above and beyond for his boyfriend/daddy. His Louis, Louis' Harry, it was always that way. Harry knew of the ship name "Nouis" and it made him angry. No one could his boy, and Harry was his baby no matter what people thought.

Harry grabbed NIall and ran into the living room. He pulled down his trains and watched as Niall picked them up only to place them back down. Niall looked around for their daddies and said to Harry, 'these are baby toys Haz, i wanna do big boy things!" Harry was beginning to question Niall, but only to be cut off with a loud crash. Harry ran over to Niall to see his daddy's award lying on the floor. smashed to pieces. They could hear their daddies footsteps, but Harry was frozen in shock. Niall quickly ran back and sat down, a mock look of shock plastered on his face. "Boys what happened here!?" Liam cried, helping Louis pick up the pieces. "I wanted to play with trains, but Haz said he was a big boy and he broke it papa" Niall whined. Harry began to protest, but was met with the terrifingly angry face of Louis.

"That's it, 15 minutes in timeout 5 spanks, and no dessert, you hear me young man." Harry was dragged away and was pushed lightly down into the corner, facing the living room. Louis spanked him over his diaper, which didnt hurt Harry physcially but mentally, very much.  Harry was stunned, how could Niall do that, Niall knows it was him. Harry was sulking, he knew he couldnt speak up because daddy wouldnt believe him so he sat there. He watched as Niall climbed into Louis' lap, smirking at Harry. Louis began to throw him in the air and catch him, Liam laughing along. "Loubear, guess what papa taught me?" "What bubs?" Bubs, Harry scoffed. "Potty training, I a big boy!" "Aw congrats babe, you are, you are my big boy." That drove Harry over the edge.

Sobs racked his body, which resulted in the whole family jumping slightly. Louis' face softened when he looked at his baby, but he wouldnt look back. He wasnt going to help because he knew Harry needed to learn his lesson. Harry kept sobbing, and its been more than 2 minutes. His face was starting to pale and if he didnt stop soon he would throw up. Liam ran over and picked harry up, rocking him gently and telling him to stop crying, they still loved him.

This angered Niall, because no one got cuddles from his Li. Niall's lip trembled at the sight and the haunting sounds of Harry's cries. Which ended up with Niall crying. Liam came over with Harry still cuddled into him. "Hazza no broke award, Niall did, Niall wanted to be big boy and Niall wanted Uncle Lou so he blamed Haz! I sorry Papa, I sorry Hazza!" They were all shocked. Liam grabbed Niall and cuddled him, leaving Harry on the couch. "Uh right, we'll be going Lou, sorry about him." Louis nodded, only staring at his baby. Liam left and Louis slowly went over to his boy, holding him and sitting him in his lap. "Baby boy, I am so sorry, Daddy is so sorry he didn't ask you and he hit you, I love you and Im so sorry buddy." Harry smiled tiredly and layed down with his head on his dad's chest. "Okay daddy, me forgive you, just no more cuddles for Ni cause your my daddy."

Louis laughed and kissed him, "no more cuddles for Niall, and I am babe, and you are my baby boy whom i love more than anything." Harry blushed and giggled, hugging his daddy tight, whispering back i love you's before drifitng off to sleep.


yay another one done. PLEASE GET THIS TO OVER 10 NOTES FOR ME PRETTY PLEASE. IMPORTANT NOTICE: the 17th of june is MY LAST ONESHOT FOR A WEEK. I am going to Florida so i wont have time to write so i hope i can get more in before finals. I really appreciate all the comments and votes, i love you all so much. Also what do you think about this being a main larry oneshot book, idk i feel like i write better for larry. LEAVE FEEDBACK BYE BABES

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