I Got Your Back Baby Bro

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louis-7 headspace

harry-2 headspace




Having to share a room with the younger lad, Louis knew of the sleepless nights he and Harry got because of the nightmares Harry's been getting while in his headspace. It happened again that night. Liam and Niall were watching a scary movie. Louis had warned Harry in his not so scary high pitch of a voice but Harry didn't listen. He crawled out while they were watching it, sat down for two minutes, before crawling off silently crying, back into Louis' arms.

In result of that, Harry got no sleep. Harry having no sleep means one cranky baby. His headspace increased his feelings and emtions by 100 percent so today was not going to be pretty. But Louis was going to try and make it pretty, almost as pretty as the picture harry made of them two holding hands. He watched as Liam had a hard time changing Harry, recieveing kicks and high sobs. Louis winced as Harry recieved a small slap on his bottom. He walked downstairs with them, holding onto Harry's hand while Liam held him.

:"Babe, Haz here is being a fussy one today". Niall shook his head and took Harry from Liam, placing him in his high chair. Louis sat in his chair next to Harry and watched carefully. He didnt wanna say that Harry had seen some of the movie because then he and harry would get in trouble. Niall placed strawberries in front of Harry, who pushed them away and off to the floor screaming "Nana's wan Nana's" "What is wrong with you today Harry!? Do you wanna go sit in timeout" Harry began to scream and sob, throwing his fist at anything and anyone near him, which happened to be Louis. His fist had hit Louis' head, but it couldnt have hurt that much because Harry didnt have strength, headspace or not. But it was hard enough for baby lou. Louis began to tear up and let out silent cries.

"Harry look what you did!! You hurt your brother" Those words made Harry stop thrashing and look at Louis. Which resulted in more sobs. "Me sorry Loubear, me sorry" Niall took Harry out of his seat, Lou following, and placed him not so gently into the corner. "You stay here for 10 minutes and if i hear one word, no dessert" He walked off into the living room, leaving the two behind. Harry was still wailing, so he wanted the comfort of his only brother. He ran out to Louis and hugged him tight, crying into his chest. "Harry Styles back in the corner now!" "No dada, me want lou" Liam picked up Harry and brought him to his room, locking the door and telling him he only had to spend 5 minutes in there, because he hated leaving his baby alone. Louis sat outside the door, listening to the sobs and bangs Harry punched onto the door. "Hazza, I'm here, LouLou's here." Louis put his hand on the door with a thud and Harry returned it.

Niall came up and smiled at the sight, kissing Lou's forehead and telling him to scoot over. He opened the door and picked Harry up, holding him and rocking him. Louis tugged on his pant leg and Niall looked down. "Daddy, Harry was upset because he did not sleep, he saw scary movie daddies were watching." Niall sighed and took hold of Louis' hand. "Aw bub you could have told me, i wouldnt have gotten mad, now i understand, thanks bud lets go have some cuddles" So they proceded downstairs, Niall telling Liam and Liam comforting his little Haz. Niall cuddled with Louis until he heard Harry whimper. Harry crawled into Louis' lap, laying his head on his shoulder and falling asleep.

"You love your brother dont ya little man" Niall said, ruffling Louis' hair, looking at Liam who watched on fondly. "Yeah daddy, i got his back,"


this is a shit one that makes no sense whatsoever, blame my mental state of depression and exams. This, i believe, will be my last one until next sunday, dont miss me too much. When I come back i will be uploading four in one day, wow thats a lot of writing. But its all for you guys. Tomorrow is 2 months since my luke follow and hopefully i'll be seeing them july 22nd on the today show. CROSS YOUR FINGERS AND PRAY. LETS GET THIS TO OVER 10 VOTES, LOVE YOU ALL

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