14 years young ????

25 5 1

also you know what freaking pisses me off ?
i forgot my notebook for random research at home
so i brought my pokemon cards to school today but my friend josh forgot his im so mad
im walking to the district library after school today and i just hope nobody tries to piss me off like monday
on monday i was just minding my own goddamn business and three guys come up to me and say "excuse me miss, do you know luke ******** ?" (blocking out the last name cuz) i just ignored him and kept walking but then he said "he says you want him but you want him from behind" so i flipped them off and walked away but i mean most boys are ignorant fools. this luke kid is someone i despise. hes loud, moronic, impulsive, hypocritical, and his face is always red as if he just ran fifteen laps around the school. i fucking HATE him. and im ready to fight a hoe who wants to try me. i may be short but ill take out your knees 😂

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