"Great choice Red Handed Jill. I can tell you will be a great addition to our crew." Smee patted me on the back.

The day was slowly coming to an end. I watched as the sky looked as if someone just came and painted it from a sky blue to a deep indigo with stars. It really was beautiful but all I could see was the second star to the right. That is where my mother was and Alice. I wonder how they are doing? Do they even miss me? If I came back would they be mad at me?


Alice's POV

"Alice! Have you seen Wendy? or Michael? Or John?" Mrs. Darling asked me. She has been very stressed out. Yes, it's only been one night since Wendy left. It was the morning after her birthday.

"No. Mrs.Darling as I have kept telling you I have no idea where they are." It was partially true. Wendy told me that if I looked at the second star to the right that she would be there and I believed her. I would stare at that star until the sun came up. I haven't gotten much sleep or been focused on any of my studies.

"Alice! You must know something how could she just leave and not tell you anything!" Mrs.Darling exclaimed. I was wondering the same thing. The only thing I knew was that she was okay. At least that is what she told me.

"Mrs.Darling I can assure you that Wendy, Michael, and John are okay." I soothed Mrs.Darling she really was stressing out over this. I've never seen her care so much for her children. I guess you never really know how much you care for something until it's gone.

"How do you know?" Mrs.Darling was losing it. She was actually biting her nails and she never did that and when I say never I mean NEVER!

"I have a feeling. Wendy and I have a connection and I know that she is okay. She is safe and she is taking care of Michael and John."

"Why would she leave?"

"May be because she wasn't happy." I admitted.

"Of course she was happy. Why wouldn't she be happy?"

Here I go. "Have you even noticed. She has never been happy here. Wendy has always felt out of place here. The most attention you have ever given her was a 'Happy Birthday Wendy! Wow you're beautiful looking more and more like me everyday' and honestly she was probably sick of it. Wendy was probably sick and tired of all the pressure to be the perfect "Darling" girl that everyone is calling her. She just wants to live her life and I assume that is what she is doing. She is making a better life for her and Michael and John. I am sorry but you and Mr.Darling have never even given a second glance at any of your children until now and my guess is that Wendy thought you would do better without her."

"How dare you-"

"No. How dare you! I have lost my best friend because you have driven her away! Wendy gets to go out in the world and I am stuck here! I am sorry that I couldn't help you Mrs. Darling but I have to go."

"Where are you going?"

"To find my best friend." I stomped off you may be wondering where I was going and to be honest I never thought I'd do this but I was going to the library I was going to find out how to get to the second star to the right.


Peter's POV

Where is Wendy? She went after the boys and she hasn't returned. All Wendy has  been is trouble. I knew she could get the ring for me but I never figured Hook would've put blood magic on it. I have control over this entire island except for that girl!

It aggravates me that she is so stubborn and that I can't agree with her on one thing. For all I know she is out there getting herself killed. I brought her here so she would tell us stories. I wanted the boys to have a mother. I knew Wendy would be a good mother. I also knew it would drive Hook crazy that I have control of his daughter but I don't.

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