A Trip To The Past

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     I opened my eyes from my slumber to see Alvah laying right next to me with a somewhat excited look on his face as he smiled childishly. It made me jump as I sat up in shock.

     "Morning, Sakura! Are you finally up?"

     "Alvah...?! Again?"

     I still don't know if it is necessary for him to sleep in my bed, though. It's weird to wake up in the same bed with someone that I just met. But I shouldn't complain since he is just like being a protective little puppy.

     Today...yes today I want to let him know that I feel a bit uncomfortable with this.

     "Come on...Alvah!" My words came out to sound like I was forgiving him rather than remonstrating. I knew that he wasn't doing this with bad intentions.

     Alvah chuckled. "Sakura, so it seems you're a good riser after all!"

     "W-Well that's only because you're here!"

     "Really? So at home you're a poor riser, then?"

     I scratched my head and thought about it for a moment. "Well...I don't know about that..."

     Alvah sat up and rubbed the back of his neck and smiled softly. "Sakura, I want to know more about you. Things like that are fine, too, you know."

     How can he say such things in such a casual tone all the time?! It's embarrassing...

     I flopped my body back down to make it like I'm going to sleep. I buried my face into the pillow to cover up the messy face. Alvah looked at my drowsy face and asked, "U-Uh, are you gonna sleep more?"

     I'll just pretend to be asleep now. I don't want anyone to see my face as I just wake up.

     "Sakura~. Hey Sakura, are you gonna sleep more? Sakura?" Alvah questioned playfully as he poked my cheeks.

     I tried not to move to make it like I was already asleep. But then I felt his breath on my ear. He had brought his face really close to my ear.

     "Sakura...aren't you gonna get up?" Alvah softly whispered with a slight pout.

     Godd@mmit Alvah, don't whisper in my ear! You're gonna make me blush.

     I couldn't prevent my face from becoming all red as I buried my face even more into the pillow. Alvah seemed to have noticed my face flushed in a red tone. He seemed to enjoy himself  for that he continued to whisper in my ear.

     "If you don't wake up, I'll come even closer, you know~?" Alvah teased. "Hey Sakura..."

     There was silence. I wondered what happened and I turned my face to where Alvah should have been and saw his face so close out nose had touched when I turned my head. In surprisement I jumped and fell off the bed and landed on the floor. Alvah burst into laughter like a little child and asked if I was ok as he began to come over to help me up.

     Oh my god...I thought he would kiss me....

     Alvah came over and lent me his hand to help me up. I grabbed a hold of the hand as I got up and hid my red face from his view. Alvah laughed again.

     "If you're trying to hide your red face it's not going so well. But that was just a small joke so don't get so worked up."

     "But that was really embarrassing!  I just fell off the bed!"

     "Yeah that was pretty funny."

     "Alvah! Stop it!"

     "Don't worry it happens to a lot of people especially if you get scared and jump like you did."

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